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Everything posted by shoelevy

  1. if i'm not mistaken parad*z reef does stock it but give them a call first at 63967970 to check stocks good luck
  2. hi i prefer using TM bio Ca and seachem reef builder...i have better control over how much my Ca and kh rises with each dosing regimen
  3. if i'm not mistaken i think the bacteria in an established sump and those in denitrator are different one is aerobic one is anaerobic... so IMO, i think adding bioballs from established sump doesn't make a difference but i maybe wrong about it so someone please correct me
  4. buyer for bottle a and b graduate from airplane school all bottles open for sale lowering price to 5 for bottle a and b and 10 for rxp medication new item for sale is brand new aquaZ not used dechorinator (hydro triplex premium) for $6/- (brand new 10)
  5. you mean for performance of the skimmer?
  6. fire gobies are shy fishes. my 2 fire gobies, and flame goby both hide for 2 weeks before they started venturing. its the same with another friend of mine. give them somemore time...i don't think you should worry
  7. continued mods, i hope you can forgo this once the big picture because if its any smaller the words are hard to see thanks for the understanding
  8. i got this from a friend i don't mean to imply anything from this but i hope you guys can comment on its content
  9. why is your nh3 not 0 but between a range of 0 to a high value of 2.5ppm? what test kit did you use to measure this and can you tell us how you cycled your tank?
  10. upz for more comments from users
  11. hi its not a diy, its the newer version of the macro skimmer i too had this extension when i bought as100 2 mths ago i think this extension is for more reaction time with the bubbles and also got sth to do with the fact that the pump that is supplied with the skimmer has been changed to a rio pump with flow of 2000L/hr, as opposed to the older one which was 1200L/hr i suppose the taller body prevents flooding of the cup...that's just my guess hope this answers you...
  12. hi i'm new to the facts you just stated can you help me by explaining what'll happen at SG1.022 if the temperature is not stable at 25-26degrees and how does lowering SG help if not using a chiller?
  13. hi are you refering to the fact that the area near the collection cup is higher than what you've seen?
  14. thanks for all the input guys would like to hear more from the so far very quiet experienced users as well
  15. hey my scout brother i just saw your entire thread today IMO, extremely impressive progress i think hope to see your new 5 footer soon ah! haha
  16. did u try bio ocean? i saw them selling impeller but not sure if its the rio one but i suggest calling to ask
  17. my anthia got pop eye 3 days back now recovered i did some reading on this pop eye thing and this is what i read pop eye is not a disease itself but rather a symptom of a disease such as fish tuberculosis or worm it can also be a sign that the water has excessive nutrient build up due to infrequent water changes it is rarely fatal, not considered to be infectious and should disappear within 1-2weeks on its own leaving behind a perfectly normal eye, a clouded eye or in the worse case possible, the fish without that affected eye - i got this from a website...i'm sorry but i can't seem to remember what website it is if i find it i shall post its url here hope this helps
  18. any user or ex user can comment on performance preferably with picture?
  19. pardon my ignorance minsmarine...does this mean you're not born in singapore?
  20. i was fortunate enough to spend a yr plus plus in thailand couple of years back my take on my experience is the people there are extremely polite and hospitable...there wasn't a barrier even when talking with strangers a smile could be seen on the face of stranger when talking within minutes or even seconds. of course, i'm not saying singaporeans don't smile but fact remains that spore cost of living very high...government taxes and high cost policies to control things like number of cars on the road or ERP make us think about earning money most of the time and hence the materialism and self centredness of course singaporeans are friendly (even tourists friends of mine from aust, USA and taiwan say so... ) , and sometimes very selfless and helpful, but i guess workload and monetary concerns take up so much of our mind that we forget to be polite sometimes. money so hard to earn that even park car go kopitiam eat many will also must try to save coupon take for eg prices of cars and houses there, i did some asking around and found that given current real estate price for my flat, if i sold my hdb flat here, i'd be able to get a big mansion with spare cash for a mercedes benz even the food is so cheap...i remember taking plates and plates of sushi for 3 hours with my family at world trade centre and end up only paying only SGD10 per person... same went for loads of fresh seafood beside the sea and paid only 50SGD per person the high costs in singapore also mean that any form of activity to destress also means having to fork out quite an amt of money...as a result, many singaporeans are not well relaxed and this too i guess contributes to the lack of smiles at times compare this to thailand and whenever there're long holidays like Songkhran, the thais go out of Bangkok City to provincial states and things are so beautiful and cheap there...you can find a 3 days snorkelling trip with all meals and accomodation with aircon provided for only 100SGD (what a great way to spend time and relax instead of watching tv all the time... my comments here do not serve to insinuate that singapore sucks neither do i mean that thailand the best i mean if singapore sucks i wouldn't be here would i? besides, i love the fact that singapore is safe and clean. there are few places in the world that you can claim to be as safe at night not to mention the fact that a corruption free government here ensures administrative matters are settled quickly with no hindrance i'm just trying to give a view that different countries have different requirements and different economic priorities and policies due to different cultural and sometimes even religious needs of course, i'd love it if singaporeans were more friendly but i guess the balance between materialism and being leess-self centred along with being friendly and polite is extremely tough to achieve but nonetheless, singapore is a young country...much remains to be seen on how it'll develope, both economically and culturally...so i really hope to see that in the future, singapore culture can be more appealing and friendly cheers!
  21. hi ianj, you said performance good for a venturi skimmer...does this mean its good or its jus good when compared with other venturis? how would you rate its peroformance with needlewheels? sorry to be asking so much but i haven't really been exposed to seeing the real performance of higher end venturis and needlewheels because each time i go and see either and friend's place or lfs, its so conincidental that they "just washed the cup"
  22. hi did you boost your ph from 7.6 to 8.0 in one shot while the clownfishes were in your tank?
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