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Everything posted by ambystoma82

  1. both have streaks of vertical spacing towards the mouth area.. and the tentacle is longer towards the mouth... lolx.. Whats... the verdict ????
  2. Pressure test your repair? Looking forward to your new scape..
  3. ok a better ID nw... i hv remove the sun coral which blk his flabby arm... i was hoping to compare it with bro iceman 's red carpet but could find a close pic at his thrend..
  4. may the bdae wishes come with many reef pressies...
  5. here 's a better pic for the ID Gigantea ? Mertensi ? Haddoni ?
  6. & my tree.... (the green algae wasn't part of the tree plan... :pirate: )
  7. the castle... (prob shld get some bunch of black percs to host it..) gigantea or mertensi ????
  8. its actually dull grey when i saw it.. but i thought it could hv better potential under better blue lighting..
  9. dun use sponge in FR , it will get choke... use a cut circular wire plastic mesh netting...
  10. ooooo i thought i had a little more space for the green one frm ah beng... lolx :chair: :chair: or the purple one frm t95 ???? :blink: c u tonight for my abaloness.s..... finally my ugly fren gt some mates...
  11. saw this nice shroom at pinnacles ytd to share with u guys.. kinda of the bi color type.. was realli neon green.. slightly larger than 50cent.. its in the display nano tank..
  12. CASTLE is the carpet lolx... bta hill is just a small hill.. even smaller than the carpet..
  13. i was kinda of worried initially with all the pple looking at sps disturbing the carpet.. lolx.. prob they thought i was snatching sps with them.. the big fella can prob host a few porcelain crabs lolx..
  14. Great Thanks to whoever help me change the title.. lolx..
  15. anybody knw hw can i change the title of my tank thrend??? i need to change to "The tree, the hill & the castle"...
  16. NG couple got cheap sunsun twin wavemaker 12000L/hr - (3 red - 1 purple) 6000L/hr - 5 green...
  17. peep ka boo.... this wk is a week of "anemone deep poisoning"
  18. T95 today nth much compare to other lfs but they do hv blue legged small boxer shrimp not seem at other places this wk... light purple carpet slightly lesser than 1 ft
  19. i think setting at 26 is abit too low for the temp? prob at 27deg? it will be more energy saving if it is running than the no of time it kick in/day... u can tweak ard with the pump flowrate to your chiller... high flowrate = more cut in low flowrate = lesser cut in, but u need monitor the running duration...
  20. what is DP bro? output frm pellets can go into tank straight,as long as u r running a skimmer,use half the dosage recommended,then add to recommended dosage,u might nt see much effect if your tank is very low feeding. temporary clouding of water mayb encounter upon adding,but over dosage will experience prolong clouding. always ensure flow is high,else sulphur oxide will be created altering the ph,inverts r likely to die 1st follow by fish
  21. just to add there is a golden domino damsel in iwarna tub behind the sps short tank,i think is 三筒 lolx
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