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Bali Brain

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Everything posted by Bali Brain

  1. Nothing is certain and nothing can be taken for granted. You can introduce a few with apparently not much aggression and suddenly a seemingly docile angel can react violently to one particular angel. Rockwork may save it from being killed, but if the aggression is unrelenting, this will stressed the new angel and in time, it may succumb to parasites/diseases. Introducing increasingly bigger fishes may deter potential bullies and certainly bigger tanks of at least 7 feet would be good. That said, you can certainly succeed with a few large angels in the same tank. I have done it and was beginning to think that aggression was an overexaggeration until I added an emperor to which my blueface immediately attacked and this carried on for weeks until it died. The blueface was previously almost nonchalant when 4 other species of Angels were introduced into the tank(at different times). It also cohabited peacefully with an Emperor which had been with me for over 3 years, and which had died earlier from an infection. So as you can see, it has more to do with luck and the particular specimen you have. Everything else is no guarantee.
  2. I have this Brown Siphon, and it does its work when I tell it to. Each time I do different parts of the tank, so I don't think the bacteria would be affected. In any case, my sandbed is 3" thick, so sticking in 1" should not make that much of a difference. I have been doing this for 5 years and there does not seem to be any adverse effects. You should see the dirt that is sucked out especially when the siphon is inside the sand.
  3. Thanks. I just got my WC seahorses to feed on frozen brineshrimp after almost 3 weeks. Intend to feed with Mysis as well
  4. I have not bought Mysis before. Are they available everywhere or they are only available in certain LFS? What's the price?
  5. Thanks. That's what I thought. Reading from reports, thought it's not very common. But surprisingly it's quite cheap, about $8. How much did you get it for?
  6. Wonder any of you guys have this gorgeous fish in your tank? Sorry, pictures not very clear, very difficult to catch him in a still position. I think I bought him at a steal since it's supposed to be a very new fish just introduced to the aquarium trade one or two years ago.
  7. My LNH did not eat what I fed for more than 2 weeks when I first acquired it(and I do not know what it ate during that time to keep alive). The frozen brineshrimp and worms that I fed were not recognised as food. Now it swims to the surface to fight for the food amongst Trigger, large Angels and Tangs.
  8. I would think the new addition would have to be bigger rather than smaller. If it is smaller, then it would have to be small enough for the existing Angel not to see it as a threat (and that would have to be very small indeed). However, thankfully, the Asfur's natural habitat is different from the Emperor (which I presume would be from the Indo Pacific) and so the aggression would not be as fierce as it would, had it been, say, a Blueface.
  9. Acclimation, QT - these are prerequisites especially for BTs. You might want to lower salinity of QT. Don't forget to test for ph and dKH, not just Ammonia and NO2. You can't really compare with Damsels. Just because the Damsels are doing OK doesn't mean water is fine. Any stress, and the fish's resources are channeled to cope with the stress, and the body's defences/ immunity is lowered, giving rise to parasitic infestations, etc.
  10. Got a bottle of Zoecon. Smells like cod liver oil. Feeding fish with pellets soaked in it. Noticed that whereas the pellets were all snapped up very quickly even those on the bottom previously, now the fishes only have a lukewarm interest and don't have much interest in those pellets that has dropped to the bottom. Not exactly an appetizer, is it? Anyway, hoping for the best - that Zoecon does its job!
  11. Thanks all for the suggestions. I do give nori now and then, tho not macroalgae as it is a bit expensive. Thing is my other Angels are okay - it's just the Queen. Incidently, what is the main ingredient in Zoe that is supposed to cure the HLLE?
  12. Hi, Anyone of you have successfully cured fishes sufering from head and lateral line disease? Would like to hear from you on any tried and tested methods. I have a one year old Queen which seem to have the onset of HLLE
  13. Hey, bro SMS me the price (81189775). How about delivery to JB, ha ha
  14. Possibly a short circuit or leakage somewhere. Use a test pen and apply to each area to check. Try wiping everything dry, including places it is in contact with.
  15. Moderators, Lately there seem to whole lot of spam mail in the forum that is totally unrelated to the hobby. Presumably the people who post them are also non-hobbyists, and steps should be taken to take them out of the membership to avoid more of such mail in the future.
  16. Pisces, If you are keeping a FOWLR tank, even an under gravel filter is fine. My previous set-up (75 gal) had a cheap skimmer and a cannister filter running together with an undergravel filter, with fans to keep the temperature down. My Yellow Tang and Emperor Angel were kept in that kind of set-up for more than 3 years, until it sprang a leak. My current set-up is 230 gal with a 4' sump. But to be honest, all the time when I was having the old set-up, I had often regretted not going all the way. So, do yourself a favour - get the best you can afford, if you are serious about the hobby.
  17. Is that a Scribbled I see? That's huge! How much did it cost you?
  18. Flattery will get you nowhere, tayhonglee. My lips are sealed. Achillies, nice tank, and a new father too! A truly inspired aquarium! You know, I've got this book "The Inspired Aquarium". Yours could be right in there.
  19. Bro, I was expecting like "man, what a beautiful rockscape" but all I got was "why are her boobies red in colour"? Bro, it's the tank in the background you are suppose to be looking at, man... And why do you think it's red in colour? Cos the green got worn off around those parts, that's why! And that's all the questions I'll be answering.
  20. We have often seen pictures of beautiful fishes and corals posted by fellow members, but so far I have yet to see the actual aquarium as a decor piece. Would love to see the ideas and designs of SG reefers' tanks for their homes. To start off, here is mine...
  21. Hahahahahahahahahaha! What me worry? Of course I worry. See if you don't when you start to see white spots on your Angels. Totally stressed out!!!
  22. You are right - it's between 4 to 5 inches. Had it for 6 months already. That's why I am a bit concerned when BigBird said that his died after a year!
  23. Can't remember if I have uploaded this but anyway, this is my FOWLR
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