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aquamarin last won the day on December 12 2017

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1 Follower

About aquamarin

  • Birthday 07/01/2004

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    32 Jalan Selaseh

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  1. Fresh from USA, reef nutrition has arrvied

  2. Coral shipment arrived @AquaMarin

    1. funbrain


      any sps shipment?

    2. funbrain


      any sps shipment?

    3. TayHongSiang


      yes...lots of SPS still available...birdnest lagi big colony..at least 2 palm size

  3. New coral food reefpearls

    1. kueytoc


      how much sis ?

  4. has not set their status

  5. Hi Pinpin, I had sent you a pm. Apologies for any inconveniences caused. Feel free to contact me on my mobile if you have further queries. Best regards, Janet
  6. clearer video.... let keep shark in the ocean,not in our soup....
  7. http://sg.video.search.yahoo.com/video/pla...id=000166939296 http://www.fightsharkfinning.com/#/fastfacts/4530711658 No demand, mean no killing... To eat or to save them, your call..(only We can stop the killing and not the Fisher) To safe them,only one little thing to do..(TAKE SHARK FIN SOUP OFF OUR MENU) Thank for reading...
  8. Jer, Be patiance ! Our Mystery wrasse came out after 2 weeks . 2 weeks = 14 days compare to your 4 days ONLY. Jan
  9. Thanks to all! ! Diamond is found and back home sweet home. . .
  10. I Have done everything I can. Shouted her name at the near by neighbourhood every day and night, call SPCA, post on dog forum, what ver forum..... DIAMOND WHERE R U???
  11. She is still not back after 26 hours . . . Raining cats and dogs now...wondering is she sheltered Her name tag is printed with my HP number, its not hard for someone who found her to contact me.. but.... Please help circulate the news around especially brothers sisters staying around this area.... MISS HER BADLY...
  12. almost 12 hours already, still not back. I am seriously worry. . . . . can someone help?
  13. my beloved siberian Husky ran out today about 12.30pm and never come home....... Colour : white age : 3 years contact : Janet 93677733
  14. Help the poor... http://www.sgreefclub.com/forum/index.php?...topic=27070&hl= Do to others the way you want to be treated ...
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