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  1. I bought this fish from, i would say a reputable store. I think among the lfs in sg, i chose this store when it comes to buying slightly expensive fishes coz of their capability of being able to pellet trained most of their fishes. Ive bought a purple and yellow tang from them before i had this angel, and they are healthy and pellet trained. I did specifically asked for pellet trained flame angel, but the only mistake when i bought this fish was not to double check and ask the store owner to feed infront of me. Physically the fish really look healthy. Ive seen it pecking algaes off the glass and rocks, explored the tank and didnt swim against the current. but i noticed that it hovered only at a small area of the tank. Thought he was marking his territory. He seemed like a chill dude minding his own business, really. As this is my first time owning an angel, i thought the low activity is normal because thats how angels generally are, poised? as compared to tangs which swim like crazy. But perhaps i got this wrong too. Hmmm i dont medicate the fishes i bought coz imo, once a fish started feeding, it can fend off illnesses with its own immunity? But this is just based on my observation, i know i shudnt gamble so i still have a lot to learn [emoji4] Ive had my fair share of ill fishes, you name it, ich, velvet, worms.. and they almost wiped out my entire livestock because of the parasites they brought in, so im quite careful when it comes to selecting fish. I was confident that the angel is healthy, just that I failed to feed it. But thank you for sharing! I guess ill be extra careful the next time im getting a fish [emoji4] Sent from Singapore Reef Club mobile app
  2. I tried nori left it in the tank for quite sometime.. though i didnt tie seaweed on rocks... I thought most fishes would have eaten mysis straightaway as compared to pellet, but mine didnt even care abt the mysis, so i felt frozen shrimps or daphnia wouldnt work either. I regretted for not trying copepods though.. I still have hopes to own a flame angel again but for now, ill just enjoy looking at my other fishes first. [emoji4] thank you all for replying! Sent from Singapore Reef Club mobile app
  3. My flame angel already in fish heaven [emoji28] it starved. i really tried. It just wont eat. I tried mixing pellets with reef nutrition oyster egg. initially i think it was slightly enticed with probably the smell of the eggs and It made effort to eat, but then itll spit it out. Sent from Singapore Reef Club mobile app
  4. Anyone can recommend me food to entice the flame angel? Tried frozen mysis, algae pellet/sheets, mysis pellet, still not eating.. Sent from Singapore Reef Club mobile app
  5. Can try and see Atman pumps. They have a few sizes Sent from Singapore Reef Club mobile app
  6. Was thinking of that as an alternative but hoping to keep the dt as clean looking as possible haha Yours is within the tank itself or more of hob kind with some kind of pump? Sent from Singapore Reef Club mobile app
  7. Hi reefers, Anyone set up a refugium in the back chambers of an AIO tank? If yes, can show pics and what kind of lighting you use? Wanna ask opinion whether its worth the set up? I mean with such small space, is there chaeto growth, or its just a huge mess with nuisance algae? And will the chaeto end up in dt? Also, was hoping fluval evo tank owners can share their mods over here Thanks in advance! Sent from Singapore Reef Club mobile app
  8. Yup2 wm helps a lot with the flow. Anyway nice tank bro! Saw that youre selling your evo, i guess you upgraded your tank? Heres mine fluval evo! Sent from Singapore Reef Club mobile app
  9. Wait, are you using the pump solely for your chiller or sharing this pump as a return pump also? Coz if this pump is used for chiller only, then it is good enuff. If im not wrong, the recommended max lph for hailea hs28a is 1200lph. If youre sharing as a return pump as well, i would still say its a good enuff pump since fluval evo is a nano tank. I share it as a return pump and of course im always on the lookout for better pumps for fluval. So far eheim compact 1000 has good reviews and i dont have a problem with it. I wouldnt risk buying syncra 1.0 coz i read in the US forum that someone had a hard time trying to fit into the return pump chamber [emoji28] Anyway, go look up @savage_reefer igtv, he modded his fluval evo by removing the plastic separating the 2nd and 3rd chamber so he could fit a bigger pump. If youre ok with that, why not? Haha Sent from Singapore Reef Club mobile app
  10. I think the eheim compact 1000 is really a good pump. A silent one too. But since i also connected it with a chiller, can tell the flow reduce a bit after a while. I set it on max. But i compensate it with wavemaker in the tank to increase the flow throughout the water. Im also planning to change the return nozzle to a random flow generator soon. Whereas for the chiller, initially my chiller kick in every 15 mins, cooling it down only took 5 mins. But hailea chiller temp probe is infamously inaccurate, so i bought an external thermostat from carousell. Now it kicks in every 1 to 1hr15 mins and cooling down around ~10 mins? I set my chiller at 25.5°C. Hope that helps! Sent from Singapore Reef Club mobile app
  11. Sorry just saw your comment! Didnt know this pump exist! but looks good tho, since its has higher lph. Your tank is also fluval evo? Sent from Singapore Reef Club mobile app
  12. Hi all, I am planning to convert my FOWLR tank to a reef tank. I recently bought a hailea hs-28a chiller and currently on the fence on what pump to use for the chiller. My tank is a fluval evo 13.5 and the current return pump that Im using is a eheim compact 1000. Im not too sure if i should just connect the chiller to my current pump, or should i get another separate pump. A friend advised me to get a separate high flow rate pump, as from what he explained that a low flow rate will cause discrepancy between chiller chamber temp and tank actual temp. From what i know most high flow rate pumps are bulky, and knowing the size of the fluval pump compartment, my options are limited (either sicce syncra 0.5 or Atman 30-series). Even these and the small pumps available are at ~600 to 700l/h rate mainly (will that be enuff?). If there are small high flow rate pumps that im unaware, appreciate the recommendations! Preferably, i just want to connect to my return pump (although eventually i know that the flow rate would reduce significantly too). To me, adding another pump will increase the heat in my tank?, but im still open to that option. So was hoping to get second opinions from here or maybe im missing some impt concepts. Any kind of advice is much appreciated! [emoji16] Tank pic below. Havent aquascape properly and will definitely change chiller position for more ventilation [emoji1] Ps. Am planning to get softies and LPS btw Sent from Singapore Reef Club mobile app
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