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Posts posted by LittleNat1

  1. Pink mohawk reserved

    GSP A (4 left)
    GSP B
    GSP C1 & C2
    Purple star polyp
    Golden clove
    Clove A (3 left)
    Clove A mother colony
    Clove B
    Clove C
    Pipe organ (2 left)
    Assorted zoa
    Meltdown rastas zoa
    Rastas zoa
    Red people eater zoa 13p
    Red people eater zoa 6p
    Sunflower zoa
    Fairy dust 3p
    Fairy dust 6p
    Green paly
    Blueberry field zoa 10p
    Purple bee zoa
    Zoa rocks

    Sent from Singapore Reef Club mobile app

  2. Blueberry zoa 5p reserved

    GSP A (4 left)
    GSP B
    GSP C1 & C2
    Purple star polyp
    Golden clove
    Clove A (3 left)
    Clove A mother colony
    Clove B
    Clove C
    Pipe organ (2 left)
    Assorted zoa
    Meltdown rastas zoa
    Pink mohawk zoa
    Rastas zoa
    Red people eater zoa 13p
    Red people eater zoa 6p
    Sunflower zoa
    Fairy dust 3p
    Fairy dust 6p
    Green paly
    Blueberry field zoa 10p
    Purple bee zoa
    Zoa rocks

    Sent from Singapore Reef Club mobile app

  3. These are the fish I have now :)

    I really like the bright colours of the royal gramma and its cave dwelling behaviour. Definitely an eye-catcher for both nano and larger reefs. However, when i first introduced it to the tank, it got bullied by my bicolour blenny (probably because both have similar colours) but they seem to be okay with each other now.

    Im currently looking out for a orchid dottyback which has similar behaviour as a royal gramma and is equally striking in appearance

    Sent from Singapore Reef Club mobile app

  4. Now for my reef tank!

    It's been set up for almost 3 months now. All of the rocks was from my previous tank which is why the left side of the tank looks empty but i plan to add more rocks there. Again, I went bare bottom to make maintenance easier.
    In the red circle is my zoa garden * in making *. In the blue is my soft coral collection and green is where i plan to put my SPS. Needless to say, im going for a mixed reef.

    Sent from Singapore Reef Club mobile app

  5. Wanted to also share my 4ft freshwater tank which i had before i got into reefing.20200427_151450.thumb.jpg.c0536db9fa8da0c459d07a991277cc88.jpg

    This was my 2nd fish tank that I've owned and also the tank which got me into fish keeping seriously. This picture is was taken just today and needless to say the tank is still running smoothly :). This tank has been through quite a lot with me already from rescapes to disease outbreaks and water quality issues. Even though taking care of this tank hasn't always been a smooth sailing experience, it still solidified my interest in fish keeping and helped me to where I am now.

    I know this is a club for reefing / marine but I just wanted to share a bit of pinch of nostalgia for those who had / have freshwater tanks :)

  6. Hey reefers! Just gonna share m y reefing experience and stuff :). So this was my first tank going into the reefing hobby. Nothing fancy, just a 2ft IOS tank that i bought 2nd-hand from someone. Also I was trying to keep my budget as low as I can without sacrificing aesthetics / ease of maintaining so i decided to go small. In total, I think i spent about 1k on everything including corals, fish, rocks, salt, light, chiller, ro/di etc etc. For me, I think I did pretty well budget wise (I bought the tank, light and chiller 2nd-hand which cut down on the costs a lot) but I'm pretty sure there are others who can do better than me. This also proved to me (and i hope to others who want to get into reefing) that reefing doesn't need to be overly expensive. * for reference my freshwater 4ft tank should have also cost about 1k too *


    My idea was to build a cozy and small reef that i could enjoy with little maintenance but after a while the small size felt very constricting and it was very tedious to do any kind of maintenance like siphoning out detritus. Although I really like the rockscape and how it fit the tank, it was time to get a larger tank (the reefing bug got me). 

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