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Everything posted by Zof

  1. Fish adopted. Sent from Singapore Reef Club mobile app
  2. Hi, anybody interested of adopting my clown trigger. Its too aggressive towards my puffer fish. Please whatsapp 9107 3068 Sent from Singapore Reef Club mobile app
  3. ALL SOLD. Thank You All The For Support Sent from Singapore Reef Club mobile app
  4. Growing too much for this unknown coral. 91073068 location woodland/mandai Sent from Singapore Reef Club mobile app
  5. Hi, anyone selling or know where to get berghia nudibranch. Having an aiptasia issue Sent from Singapore Reef Club mobile app
  6. 50cm x 50cm x 40cm its nano tank Sent from Singapore Reef Club mobile app
  7. Thank You All Shifu for advice. I have moved to a shallow area under 30par and feed it every day. Also, reduced the hour of light to 6hour in my refugium to bring up the no3 and po4 Sent from Singapore Reef Club mobile app
  8. Using hailea 66a setting at 25degree Celsius Sent from Singapore Reef Club mobile app
  9. I start direct feeding once every other day from last 2 weeks. It start to string down passed 2 months. Thank You for your advice. Hopefully feeding help get back it coral and shape. Sent from Singapore Reef Club mobile app
  10. I have notice my Cynarina is getting smaller and the color is gone. Any SIFU can help? I running a refugium to keep nitrate and phosphate low. The lighting par is 120 using seneye par reader. Parameter Kh-7.7 Mag-1260 Calcium-440 Nitrate-0 Phosphate-0 Sent from Singapore Reef Club mobile app
  11. Thank everyone, without your helps I wouldn't be able to solve this issues alone. Sent from Singapore Reef Club mobile app
  12. Thank Man. I'm using hailea 66a chiller. Will need to find someone to change for me. Sent from Singapore Reef Club mobile app
  13. Yes, its a two pin plug. Sent from Singapore Reef Club mobile app
  14. Thank You for helping me. I found out what cause the tingling shock is cause by my chiller. Will be Replacing the chiller. Sent from Singapore Reef Club mobile app
  15. Thank For Your Reply@equiox. I have test all equipments With multimeter. All equipments shown significant AC voltage as low as 2~4 for each equipments. It dun feel tingling when a pump turn on only or any of the 4 equipments turn on separately. I only feel tingling when turn on all equipments which shown 16V on the meter. Itz normal? Sent from Singapore Reef Club mobile app
  16. Hey guys, I am pretty new to this hobbits with struggling on water parameter and care to keep a corals happy on my own. Recently my hammer corals suddenly not opening up, cauliflower melting. When I put my finger in I got tingling shock in my finger when touching the water. I test with multimeter on AC. Black probe on ground and red probe to the water. It shown 0 on the meter. But when I put my finger in the water, 12V shown on the meter. I have unplugged all items (skimmer,light,2xAC pump) and turn on 1 by 1. Each item has less than 4V shown on the meter. I feel nothing when I turn on individually. Until I plugged all the 4 item. Which shown 16V on the meter. Understand that its a stray/induced voltage passing through from our body to ground. Should I be worry about it? Would it be the cause of coral not opening/dying? Hopefully, I can get some help from expertise here. Kind of struggled to see coral dying. My parameter Temp:27degree celsius PH: 8.1 Calcium:420 Magnesium:1440 Alk:9 Ammonia:0ppm Nitrite:0ppm Nitrate:40ppm Phosphate:0ppm Sent from Singapore Reef Club mobile app
  17. @ladynano Hi, I Jump start the tank by using seasoned salt water from LFS. Put in elegance,hammer cyranino,zoas,clown fish,foxface, within 5days. The tank is with me nearly 3month now since early NOV. I assumed the tank has cycled. Base on my knowledge, cycled a tank means NH3>NO2>NO3. Which my tank now have 0 NH3 and NO2. Correct me if I'm wrong >. I have run GFO & Carbon in the filration system. A hang on refugium with chaeto Sent from Singapore Reef Club mobile app
  18. Hi All Seniors, I'm new to this hobbits and started out of a 50cmx40cmx40cm Nano Tank being around 3months now. I'm struggling with red slime algae last month. I have been using chemiclean to removed the red slime algae and cause the skimmer shut down for 2 weeks duel to the overflow side effect. The red slime algae is gone, but I spot the brown algae is surrounding my rocks,sand, WORST covered up my zoas. Any shifu can help me identify the issues? Ph 7.8 Nitrate 10ppm Phosphate 0 Kh 9 Magnesium 1500 Calcium 400 Light on 8 hours a days Sent from Singapore Reef Club mobile app
  19. Hi All Seniors, I'm new to this hobbits and started out of a 50cmx40cmx40cm Nano Tank being around 3months now. I'm struggling with red slime algae last month. I have been using chemiclean to removed the red slime algae and cause the skimmer shut down for 2 weeks duel to the overflow side effect. The red slime algae is gone, but I spot the brown algae is surrounding my rocks,sand, WORST covered up my zoas. Any shifu can help me identify the issues? Ph 7.8 Nitrate 10ppm Phosphate 0 Kh 9 Magnesium 1500 Calcium 400 Light on 8 hours a days Sent from Singapore Reef Club mobile app
  20. Zof


    Hi, im interested. Able to collect tomorrow. Feel free to contact me 9107 3068
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