lol... add more light!! hehe..... can change to 6500k or 10kk also can....
bro... actually hor... nana and fern ppl normally will tie them to wood and let them grow onto the wood or rock....
nana i heard before got ppl plant in subtrate but think the outcome is not as good as tying to the wood...
so fertiliser is not really nessary... and with 200 tetra think the nutrients will be sufficient already.... correct me if i'm wrong....
nice... it all depends on what kind of scaping you like.... plants or without plants...
the scaping looks nice but plants can help you to break the shape and make it more natural looking...
how high is your tank???
is it normal output?? 2X20W and 2X30W per set...
if you want can just chg the tubes....
my uncle using 2X150W 12k and 2Xflorescent tube 6k(i think cos look like normal light yellow) for his tank also...
btw heres a post in other forum which you can take a look at.....
low light no CO2 tank
oooo.... lol....
yup... agree with you.... get from breeder... and will also be cheaper.. lol...
i got my discus for SGD$4 only... lol....
bro seamonkee.... i agree with bro BFG but for me i will chg to a lower flow rate pump like what bro weisheng said... and you can keep your tank cooler...
can keep nana and mini nana.... they very low maintanance....
planted tank dun need high flow normally a planted tank will only have little or no turbulant on the water surface so you can imagine how slow the flow is... i dun think will get suck into the overflow....
agree with big ben.... but i dare to say there are exception... as mine don't get frighten that easily... and bro... 12 of them in 3feet tank??? all juvenile ar?? if not with your tank heavily planted how they swim sia??
yup.... if you got low lighting... can keep nana, ferns, acorus spp. , anubias, hornwort, chamaedorea, chlorophytum spp. , some of the cryptocoryne and echinodorus spp.
can try going to or to see also....
lol... me lo... XD...
but must be very careful la.... coz easy to catch diseases....
mine 27degree....
and discus like heavily planted tank coz it can hide and less stress...
if bare tank better to keep at 30-32degree....