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Everything posted by foo_pat

  1. Hi Reefers, Any recommendation? Place to get and price?
  2. BSI at $1? Or the blue 5g tube
  3. Hi Reefers, Any recommendation to buy cheap and strong glue? I am using the blue 5g tube @$2 each and had been spending a lot on it alr, not very sticky as well Looking for bigger tube n cheaper one Price n where to get? Tks
  4. Am letting go black clown PM for price, tks
  5. Bro, Any idea what's the price? Understanding it comes with 2 sizes?
  6. Hi Reefers, Anyone knw where can I get one? Tks
  7. Ya is not black clown , is black percula Bali fish
  8. TFC Hawaii shipment on Sat, flame angel, potter angel, bandit angel and I think got black tang too
  9. Thank you all for the interest, the pair was sold to a clown lover
  10. Fish channel Sat Hawaii shipment have flame angel
  11. A pair for sales @$20 Female Normal, Male Golden
  12. Anyone spotted bicolor cleaner wrasse anywhere? Had been looking around for quite sometime liao Btw, I had been waiting for 1mth for ur Red Sea cleaner wrasse, is it still available?
  13. Anyone spotted bicolor cleaner wrasse anywhere? Had been looking around for quite sometime liao
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