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Everything posted by PulposTriste

  1. Ph is fine for now, it gets important once you put corals and lifestock in. You can try to increase the amount of food and add more bacteria (it's ok to overdose most bacteria product, just don't over do it lol) But really you just have to wait it out. Patience bro. Despite what people say, nitrate is not that big of an issue If anything it's bad if your tank is too clean, a bit of nitrate is what your coral needs for food. What you really want to keep close to zero is phosphate/silicate. Use Granular Ferric Oxide (GFO) to keep the levels low. Try to avoid any aluminium based phosphate removers, they have a whitish appearance. As for cheato, in my opinion, not necessary for a tank that size. If you really want you can try macroalgae of the genus caulerpa. Those imo are more effective them cheato and can grow in your display, but depends on your aesthetic.
  2. Judging by your history, your tank's appearance and the fact that you're using a canister filter, I think it'll be very very wise to check your parameters again. Could be polyp bailout, which only happens when you really piss them off, might wanna up the water changes and reduce feeding/photoperiod. Also clean the canister, it's a nitrate factory. Best if you replace it imo.
  3. If it's liverock, it looks like it could be bleached paly/zoas. Six line wrasse is only good at destroying all critters (pods/tube worms) and any fish he doesnt like, damn fierce one.
  4. Can, but if you have corals, it'll be better to funnel the sand directly to the bottom of the tank via a hose. Most corals don't like sand in their fleshy parts. Also be ready for a mini cycle/diatom bloom, since you using live sand cfm got some dying microbes
  5. Looking to stock pico tank, testing system so nothing too atas haha. Prefer smaller, lower grade/cheaper ones, PM me if you have any to offer Also looking for tiny cynarinas or any Pico sized fleshy LPS
  6. Comes on a rock, about 1 inch across $35 Collection 400014
  7. For me i just crank up the UV, Violet, Royal Blue and Blue up to max lol, then add white to my liking, works well for me. Green and Red not important, may cause algae growth too. If you want to be more specific, i can help you out with my PAR meter, just shoot me a PM
  8. I got lots of mohawk frags sitting around, if you're a newbie, come collect FOC, easy and fast growing coral for your new tank Otherwise, I would appreciate any amount of $$ haha, you name the price, if you want more i can arrange Collection at 400014
  9. Working well $60, but price negotiable
  10. Used only 20ml, pretty much untouched and full $30, but price negotiable collection at eunos
  11. Hi all, does anyone know what the dimesions are for the clamp of the kessil goosnecks? Is the mini gooseneck same as the big one? Thanks!
  12. Hi thanks for interest, will update again if I get back outs
  13. Green base, purple arms and pink tips. Something like that
  14. Hi, giving away these BTAs, they are not doing very well in my tank so I would like them to have a new, more suitable home
  15. Zoas left: H2- Horizon (1p+baby) $20 W1- Green Ice (5p) $20 W2- Green Ice (4p) $20 R1- Meltdown Rasta (3p) $30 I1- Blue Ice (6p) $20 M2~M9- Mohawk (2-3p) $10 S1- Sakura Sunrise (2p) $15
  16. Remaining zoas avail: H1- Horizon (1p) $20 H2- Horizon (1p+baby) $20 B1- Bowtie Blaster (4p) $75 W1- Green Ice (5p) $20 W2- Green Ice (4p) $20 R1- Meltdown Rasta (3p) $30 I1- Blue Ice (6p) $20 M1~M9- Mohawk (2-3p) $10 A1- Alien Antivenom (1p) $20 S1- Sakura Sunrise (2p) $15 Also for sale is 2 extra frags of Purple Star Polyps $5 $10
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