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Everything posted by BarraCudaTM

  1. The water volume is fixed so running a high flowrate shouldnt be a probelm. If you have a slower flowrate, the chilled water is colder than high flow. However, this chilled water is mixed with the tank water and will lower the tem slightly as the volume of the chilled water is lower. Having a higher flowrate will have a warmer chilled water but with a larger volume. So you are mixing a larger volume of warmer chilled water to the main tank. SLOW FLOW colder temp lower volume HIGH FLOW warmer temp higher volume To me, they are the same except when the flow is excessively slow that is when the chiller will detect a much lower temp than the actual temp. This usually affects chillers with water reserviors.
  2. Flowrate shouldnt be a probelm. I couldnt understand why high flow rate will decrease the efficiency other than the excess pump heat.
  3. Its powerful enough, I have 4x2.5x2.5 with 500watts of lights
  4. The chiller is on all the time but the compressor will start only when the temperature rise to a preset level. On standby mode, the power consumption is minimal.
  5. 550ppm is fine .. just leave it alone and let it drop naturally.
  6. hrmm .. some snails are known to attack clams
  7. lasted less than 1 hour .. time to get my backup system running
  8. Ai .. I also kena .. was stirring the water just now ..
  9. you will need to feed it with pellets until it explodes
  10. very ex lah .. $80-100 for those xmas worms .. but they are indeed very beautiful
  11. The mermaid, the other 2 I will choose randomly. The mermaid will help you raise points rapidly if you got the "matured fishes". I think you need to feed the big fish with some kind of potion because it will change color and drop stars instead.
  12. I played this game quite sometime ago. Later on there will be starfish eaters that will throw out 1 diamond for every star eaten ..
  13. Dont squeeze me lah .. That piece of 10mm acrylic not cheap leh. As mentioned above, 1 set will include .. 1x TOYO 8" high speed air blower 1x 12"x"24" 10mm acrylic mounting panel 4x stainless steel bolts and nuts.
  14. Those cheap DC fan speed regulator wont work on AC fans. As they regulate the speed by voltage, you will need a speed regulator that controls the speed by the frequency.
  15. This is a industrial fan so its built to last. With good cleaning, this fan would last for many years. It comes with a 12x24" 10mm clear aryclic with a 8" hole drilled in the middle. Its mounted with 4x stainless steel bolts. You can sit this aryclic directly on the bracing of the tank or build yr own custom bracket for it.
  16. Its rated at 56dBA and is fairly noisy due to the high volume of air over the small 8" frame. The air volume is comparable to a wall fan.
  17. Just to add on. The entire frame of the fan is made of aluminium and the blades are plastic so it wont rust. This fan is made for industrial air ventilation purpose so you can even run it 24hrs a day.
  18. I know at least 3 reefers having hippo tangs nipping at their clams. That includes me
  19. I have 2 units of TOYO 8" high speed blower for sale. 1 such fan is able to cool 500L tank with 2x250watts MH to 29Degrees. 1 set includes Toyo 8" fan + mounting 10mm 12"x24" arylic panel + 4 stainless steel nut & bolt. Looking for $75 each. Click here for pics
  20. I have kept clams in 30degrees water for months .. they have no probelms surviving in that temperature
  21. Bring the chiller out, the chiller need cool air to operate.
  22. what colour is yr cuke? There are 2 types of black cukes, the sand shifters and filter feeders. Filter feeding cukes will move towards high water movement and extend their tentacles out to feed. Pls check if you got yrself a filter feeder.
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