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Everything posted by BarraCudaTM

  1. any idea where can I get them in the west side?
  2. what about the purple cauliflowers? saw them at coralfarm .. cost only $9 I'm thinkin of feeding them baby brine shrimps every 2 days
  3. for those without cable tv you can tune in the discovery travel and adventure channel for free until DEC 31
  4. I believe the highest is 17000K for aqualux PL
  5. Hi phang, magnesium will coat the calcium surface of sand, rocks to prevent free calcium ions on coating it if there is too much free calcium ions, it would want to combine with carbonate to form calcium carbonate which is not solutable, adding magnesium to around 1200mg/l would able the calcium to bond with the magnesium thus reducing free calcium ions the acid released when aerobic bacteria breaks down ammonia and nitrite will break the bond between magnesium and calcium if everything is in equilibrium, calcium and magnesium will bond and break at the same rate.
  6. raise magnesium level then you can keep calcium at higher levels
  7. thanks, do you have any idea if they sell 18watts bulbs higher than 10000K?
  8. Bluebeard: how much did the 18watt 50/50 cost?
  9. just to addon their bones are stripped clean and smashed to ashes for keeping
  10. found this thread on the heaven burial ritual performed in tibet you may have to read the chinese wordings to understand what they are doing pls .. this is not for the faint hearted click here <_<
  11. I have a rather unique button polyps, its peach orange in the center with blue flesh I'm fraggin them for edwin (phang) this friday, anybody wanna trade some orange polyps?
  12. yes but of a different colour mine has a dull orange head and white body I'm wondering why my coralline algae is chipping off, looks like its being pecked by tangs but the probelm is I dont have tangs I only got 2 firegobies, 1 clown and 1 mandarin
  13. hrmm .. does flatworms eat coralline algae? I have something that looks like armoured flatworms and I can see coralline algae turning white
  14. Take yr time AT, it would be better to wait then to regret later kelstorm: thats excactly what I meant !
  15. somehow AT doesnt respond to me email, pm or threads ..
  16. I prefer to grade saltmix according to reviews or personal experience its because we can never know what excactly each trace element can affect the corals, maybe its the ratio thats doing the trick
  17. I noticed tropic marin contains more than 70 types of trace elements I'm trying to match them with addictives and I dont change my tank water
  18. Hi AT is it possible that the we can change the thread to be automatically tracked whenever we reply to it?
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