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Everything posted by BarraCudaTM

  1. you can use those nylon coated stainless steel wire meant for big game fishing, you of course can get them at fish tackle shops.
  2. The tunze also cannot be turn on/off frequently for wave making and its also a magnetic pump.
  3. you should keep yr kH around 10dkh and Ca around 450ppm. There are plenty of reasons why corals are not opening but high kh shouldnt be 1 of them
  4. just make a hole on the return pipe just below the water line in the main tank. That will break the siphon if yr return pump fails
  5. ahh .. you almost thrashed my motivation to walk the way in to PR farm
  6. Its T5 alright but its not the High Output (HO) T5 as with deltec, ATI. It got a much lower wattage for the same length
  7. yr ELCB is tripping? Does yr light comes with a 3pin plug? If its a 2pin plug, it means that 1 of the circuit shortcircuited.
  8. I have a 4days old 1/3 biochiller for sale. selling $560.
  9. actually this type of leopard ray not nice to eat .. got ammonia taste.
  10. seriously .. some girls are very hairy. They got more hair on their arms than I have on my legs.
  11. wah lau .. they are a bunch of 20+ yr old girls acting cute .. but I like...
  12. you dont need a air diffuser, all you need is to connect an airpump to the venturi intake of the skimmer?
  13. bleached scallop, I would advise you to research before buying as these scallops are very hard to keep. Btw yr suncorals are dying already.
  14. cleaner shrimps are bisexual, they are both male and female depending on the timing of molting.
  15. They breed rapidly too but becareful not to disturb them as part of their flesh will drop off if you try to peel them off the glass. They act as a decoy just like house lizards
  16. Posting for a friend Resun CL650 for sale, 8 months old, just came back from maintenance servicing. Asking for $450
  17. you will need the pH 7.01 or 7.00 calibration fluid to recalibrate the pH probe before use.
  18. its a Stomatella varia, a harmless algae feeder.
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