I’m thinking of getting a reefer 250 soon. What are your thoughts on having 2 Hydra 26 HD vs 1 Kessil AP700 light fixtures over reefer 250 for a mixed reef?
Sent from Singapore Reef Club mobile app
Does anyone know an effective method to make the clownfish host anemone? Mine tend to stay at the corner of the tank. Initially it hosts my elegance .. but after a day, it went back to the corner of the tank.
Sent from Singapore Reef Club mobile app
I want to keep macro algae in my main display. However, i do not have any idea how to properly clean the rocks that it was attached on. I cant possibly dip them, right?
Sent from Singapore Reef Club mobile app
Hi, i have difficulties getting rid of dinos. Any advice?? It has been many weeks .
Water parameters:
SG :1.026
Temp: 25-26C
Ammonia: 0
Nitrite : 0
Nitrate : 2.5
Phosphate: 0 or maybe close to 0
Calcium: 450
Alkalinity : 8.3
Sent from Singapore Reef Club mobile app
Has anyone tried feeding their fish with brine shrimps? Can reef salt be used to raise raise brine shrimps? Also at what specific gravity? Thanks
Sent from Singapore Reef Club mobile app
What’s the ideal water pressure for 100-150GPD rodi membrane? ~60psi or 90psi? I dont want to waste so much water ...
Sent from Singapore Reef Club mobile app
Can different types of anemones be kept close together? I mean would they sting each other, for example, bubble tip anemones with long tentacle anemones?