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Everything posted by Rseady

  1. Self collect at $35 not goin for any trade just for sale thanks
  2. Around 3" Healthy and greedy parasite free will eat anything u give self collect $30
  3. bigger one is 14cm $20 collect today only
  4. The bigger one is about 14cm much bigger than palm size when fully open only at $25 ( may open bigger if under bright lighting and good water condition )
  5. Still left some med big size rbta ....
  6. New pictures big size aiptasia hunter fast and furious Self collect at depot road at 16
  7. New updated pictures beautiful and stable healthy parasite free fish ready to go Self collect at depot at 38 thanks
  8. This offer is only for collect today before 330pm at depot road no reservation fcfs please leave your mobile here to confirm thanks
  9. This offer only those who can collect today before 330pm no reservation please need to clear it ASAP hahaha
  10. Size is from 10cm to 15cm price range is $10 to $25 each size is roughly estimated only may open bigger depending your water condition...
  11. Last call still left some 3 rbta for just $5 oneeee
  12. Currently reserved pending collect today ....
  13. About 17cm fully open nice elegance coral collect today only $35
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