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Everything posted by dleecool

  1. I suggest u catch up the "cheap" damsel first and place the most "expensive " fish into the thank, eg Black tang, etc. But did u ever read the fish compatibility chart? or do u know the agressiveness or characteristic of ur fishes? Sometime we have to try our luck, but with enough knowlegde, will help to reduce casualties.!!
  2. HI bro, u still west meh?? I tot u move liao!!
  3. Bioball r known to be nitrate factory, so try not to have bioballs if possible, else when u have algae bloom, that time u really "SIAO LIAO"!!!
  4. Do u know where's Marinelife? Henry's place? ML is located at Hong Leong garden and Jireh is walking distance from ML. Btw, ML & Jireh both r our sponsors here, so u can check their actual address at their respective tread.
  5. Last week Jireh had 3 Kole tangs.
  6. R u looking for new one or second hand one?
  7. Maybe it pregnant mah!!! mOrning sickness Just joking!!
  8. I had the blue ring angel b4, yes it is really a beautiful fish, but I'd doubt it will become reefsafe. Mine dont touch the corals when young, but when it turn to adult, YUMMY!! all pratas gone!! GOOD LUCK!!!
  9. Hi bro, Upgrading sales huh?? UPZ!!
  10. where's the collection place?
  11. Nice BB & the puppy too!!! Hope to drink kopi and cheong again soon!!
  12. Hi bro, long time no hear from ul liao!! Stop reefing? dogging now huh???
  13. yes, there are but sorry cant remember the street name, about 20 minutes walk from Taipei 101.
  14. If big one, normally steam it for dinner!!!
  15. I think tangs only peck on those corals that r dying, but not the healthy one!!
  16. Iwarna got sps shipment today!!
  17. Hi bro, long time no hear from u liao!!! Shutting down ur 2 ft? upgrade or totally wash hand? Maybe we can catch up again for coffee in near future!!
  18. I have glued this super glue gel inside the water b4, all u need to do is to hold it for a few minutes in the water.
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