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Everything posted by dleecool

  1. I always get good service from Dr. Evil. So far all my lightings r from DE Lightings. I think there must be some misunderstanding here.
  2. Hi, I dont think ur T5 is HO as for 2feet T%HO is 24W but not 16W, so maybe it's just a normal T5.
  3. But how do u reach those hidden behind the rocks?
  4. U can try Reef depot, deltec is good, but slightly ex!!
  5. I once trying to save cost, change water with NSW, then algae bloom!! Some expert told me that either u use NSW all the way all salt mix, but dont mis both of them, no good for corals. Is this true?
  6. I have 1 Mata Tang arond 5", but dono whether can manage to catch!! Will pm u if I manage to trap it.
  7. I think tey having their period!! PMS???
  8. Hi bro, How's life? Interested in ur multicolor, bur lazy to go tour place leh, Tampines too far lah!! Can deliver or not?
  9. Cheers up!! Look at the bright side, when tank crash, time to rescape and change all new fishes and corals!! My tanks crashed twice for the past 5 years too!! Still reefing now!!
  10. I think it's easy by taxi, most shops are not near MRT.
  11. 6 lines is a well known for its aggressiveness!
  12. I dont think the balckie is Blacktang!! Maybe black clown fish I assume!!
  13. Hi, I'm looking for some montis lie superman monti, purple rim monti, etc. ALso looking for Millipora and digitata too. Prefer in the west.
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