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Everything posted by dleecool

  1. Hi, Just wondering is there a service agent for this chiller in Singapore ?
  2. Hi all, Can anyone enlighten me that when can I remove the market prawn that I used to cycle my tank? or should I leave it there?
  3. Hi, I have several items for sales: Item 1 : 2x1x1 foot Tank with 5mm thickness (Brand Vosso) for $20 Item 2 : Sera NO3 test kits, used a less than 5 tests for $5 Item 3 : Rio 800 Power Head for $20 I will add some Item along when time comes for viewing Attach photo for Item 1:
  4. Hi, I know a place near Beach Road called the " Rachu Palace" has very nice Rachu there, but quite ex tho. I use to have black ranchus with me but now fully concentrate on marine liao!!
  5. Ekia, I will do as u said. At this moment I just put them next to Bioball. What about the active carbon? Can I put together near with Biohome? Thinking of getting Rowa too, but how much should I use?
  6. Selamat Hari Raya Aidifitri!! To all our Muslim Friends Here!!
  7. Hi Bro Shoelevy, From my understanding, Biohome is better than Bioball as it can remove nitrate as well and won't become nitrate factory. For LR, I still have some from my present 2 footer, so I will transfer them when the new tank is ready.
  8. Hi all experts, Just wanted to ask whether should I put Rowas and active carbon in my sump now? If so which compartment should I put them?
  9. Hi, I have a 2 ft FL light fixture for free, those use for fresh water, if interested pls Pm me today or I will throw it away. The ballast is spoiled.
  10. Hi Bro Piglet, I have a biohome in my sump, just a small pack of 300 g, said enough to support my 3 footer. I have about 40 Kg of LR at the moment. I will go slow for my equipment, I'm planning to get a Seio 820 first.
  11. Hi, This is my first photo as I'm only start cycling yesterday. Welcome all the comment and suggestion on what I should do for improvement. Tank : 3x2x2 (10 mm thickness) Return Pump : QuietOne 3000 Skimmer : Macro AS-150 Lighting : 2x39W (DE)
  12. Hi Bro, U can put in a market prawn to cycle rather than using any live fish or corals. Buy some test kit to test water parameter b4 putting any LS. Cheers
  13. Bro, Since Bro Rav-65 just back out, I'm in Ok? Number 1 : Mellow (confirmed) Number 2 : Rustee (confirmed) Number 3 : Fuzz (confirmed) Number 4 : aha8 (confirmed) Number 5 : Ah^siao (confirmed) Number 6 : Dmitri (confirmed) Number 7 : CoralReef Number 8 : Acura007 Reserve 1: wa_lanz Reserve 2: Dleecool
  14. Hi Bro, I can suggest u get a school of green chromis first, they r the most easy going fish and can get along with others and corals. :
  15. Hi Bro, Quite interested, but may I know what kind of lobster? Can disturb other tank mate or not ? Got pic or not?
  16. Hi, I'm looking for second hand, good condition refractometer due to tight budget else will get new one. Anyone want to let go one please PM me.
  17. dleecool


    Hi, I threw away the box liao. But the box is yellow in color with I think a picture of clownfish! Stated Biohome in front!!
  18. Seio 820 is for wave making, I dont think it is used for return pump.
  19. I think for pump important is the heat and noise produce. If the heat and noise produce suddently change from normal operation, then something must be wrong with the shaft or the rotor. Normally it's not worth to repair, instead just get a new one.
  20. Honestly, I think ur pump should be OK, maybe a little bit slow flow, but as long as there is enough flow to bring back the water, it should be OK. Dont waste money first. Monitor it unless it really sulks that u have no choice then change loh!
  21. I can understand. This hobby is very money consuming!! My wife make alot of noise too!!!
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