Wat's the width of the individual compartment? normal macro needle wheel r quite small to place in sump, it can also clip at the glass wall but the pump must be below the water level.
I will go for 2 months to be safe!!
Can I ask about quarantine tank? Should I have skimmer and fileter for this tank as I think I want to setup 1 QT, but isn't it funny only water most of the time until some fishes arrive? How long should they be there? 2 weeks?
I can understand, but those test kits r inaccurate, and u waste money for nothing, it's better to spend more and do it rite on the first time.
Btw this hobby is expensive, since u started liao and there is no turning back untill u give up this hobby!!
Hi dleecool,
Sorry to hear about your fishes. Did they all died of Ich?
I encourage you to go fallow (fishless) for the minimum of 6 weeks. Usually when you have fishes die and corals survive - you are encountering some form of parasites.
So you have to break the cycle of the parasites by going fallow.
But please note that by going fallow means just keeping the tank fishless. You will still have to keep the SG right and the skimmers running. If not, you will have another problem in your hands.
I think it's too late now, most of my fishes gone liao. Using the Aquapharm cure-ich didn't help.
Hi Bro Weileong/Gouldian,
I'm now going into fishless main tank only left inverts and corals, I will wait for 6 weeks b4 I added new fish, rite?
Hi Lin,
Just wanted to know r u still using this ICh cure? I'm currently using it but it don't seems to work well as some of my fishes r getting white spot but dont seems to be recover.
I am thinking of hyposalinity but have problem fishing them out worry may stress them more.