What do u keep? corals? fish? sand? rock?? There is no right or wrong answer for having skimmer!!
This is a hobby, so if u think u can afford one , no harm to have one!!!
I saw the power rating for Arctica chiller at www.eaquanature.com stated that DBS-150 is actually 600W. the 150W is the cooling capacity not the power rating. Am I rite?? Anyone can clarify??
Actually I'm looking at 150W instead of my exsting 200W in order to save electricity. My wife complain about the hike in electric bill as now is already $0.21 per unit.
Thanks for all the good comments, in fact Daeil is a good chiller and they are the maker for Arctica chiller.
So both Arctica and Daeil actially looks alike and they r both very reliable.
I saw alot them selling at Taipei LFS few months ago and the price r reasonable. I missed it becos I can't carry anymore thing is my luggage, else I will brought back liao!!!