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Everything posted by dleecool

  1. I have 2, they never touch my SPS or LPS They r a very timid and nice fish to have. Also help to redue aptasia
  2. Hi bro, Long time no c!! Got time for kopi?? Decomm? wat a sad thing to hear!! Anyway, Upz for ur sales!! Any nice fishes let me know!! Looking for small angelfish or gobies
  3. they r one of the easiest fish to keep, i have one for at least 5 years, never even bother to feed him but he is getting bigger and bigger1!
  4. LCK 201 still have one fiji Leopard wrasse as of yesterday, very nice!
  5. Nowadays I turn off the main MCB to cut off the whole electricity supply b4 I go to work and turn on again when I reach home!! Save alot of money!!
  6. Hi, Looking for Superman Digitata/Montipora, or other nice color digitata. Also looking for birdnest corals or blue milipora
  7. I tot u oredi have a tank? second tank huh?
  8. Pipe diameter is just like a road, the wider the road the cars can speed faster and vise versa. But if u have pressure control valve, no matter what flow rate, u can still maintain ur desired pressure!
  9. Just curious, Hawaii got Purple Tang meh? I always tot it's red sea!
  10. actually I dont understand ur choice!!! Not apple to apple comparison!!!!
  11. Any hints on the other character??
  12. Hi, Mine took about 2 years starting to chane from juv to emperor. It started to lost the white rings during transition
  13. Hi, Where do u stay? i can give u some free one if u want, i can just tear it off from my "GSP" garden!!! It spread like nobody business!!! Just bring along small container will do!!
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