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Otaku Reefer

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Everything posted by Otaku Reefer

  1. sorry bro, cant give u definite answer, as every tank is setup differently, the response is different also, mine took about 2-3 weeks, i didnt siphon sandbed, it naturally go away. So i think u shldnt be too worried . Just remember stability is king in reefing. Any changes take it slow. Sent from Singapore Reef Club mobile app
  2. RODI u need check TDS, using RODI do not mean zero tds water, probably u need measure. silicates can also come from ur rock/sand so i dont think u need to be too worried. Diatom blooms are common for new tanks, especially after end of cycle. i would probably not be too worried, just give it some time. if problem persist, can get some clean up crew to help. Sent from Singapore Reef Club mobile app
  3. most reefers using magnetic glass cleaners, probably would advise u not to oversize too much such that magnet is gripping so strong that u need a large force to move it resulting in the tank swaying, otherwise just get the correct magnet to the correct glass thickness. For safety, its best to slide the magnet to connect rather than straight on connect as u risk smashing the glass or clamp ur fingers Normally i would avoid using the sharp ends of the blades and go clean the silicone seam. Also not to use too much force to clean the glass in a bid to get things done quick, slow and steady cleaning and u shld be good. Hope this helps Sent from Singapore Reef Club mobile app
  4. Time for tank update. My battery backup failed after 1 yr operation due to my mistake. Was suppose connect all three, battery pwr supply, pump pwr supply and to wavemaker. Being the otaku i am, i skipped the instructions and went in with guns blazing haha, was thinking only battery charger is needed and connect to wavemaker, it makes sense to me, charge the battery and nero runs thru the battery. This meant the battery was charging and discharging unnecessarily and shorten the lifetime drastically. Rookie mistake. [emoji29] the correct operation should be battery charger connected, pump pwr connected and wavemaker connected as per pic below, so in this way, the pump runs on its own power supply and will only use the battery when outage that time...expensive mistake learned [emoji25] Some macro pics to brighten up rainy day Rainbow Monti Not 100% sure think its symphillia wilsoni Blasto Think its scoly, but not sure as dun have signature donut shape Mini RBTA which my 2 clowns guard furiously utter chaos somekinda of cloves fascinating favia sunflower Bubble, looks like durian with the tentacles out red and blue gonio black elegance with greenish tips; like 滿天星 Jellybean (aka paddle pop chalice; my own naming lol its very adept i would say [emoji13]) Thanks for reading and happy reefing! Sent from Singapore Reef Club mobile app
  5. tink only for freshwater Sent from Singapore Reef Club mobile app
  6. For water change, u need RODI with zero TDS (u can probably get away using tapwater with anti chlorine but its not recommended lah), Good salt mix, and refractometer/salinity pen. Mix to 1.025-1.026 and target about 10% tank volume for WC is generally safe and will not shock the inhabitants. For salt mix, many brands out there, probably wise to stick with popular brands rather than the cheapest ulu brand. Red sea salt and Tropic Marin are some of those tried and tested by many reefers just to say a few. Another note, if ur salt is high dkh like 11-12 probably best to target small water changes especially so in a small tank like nano system, u will shock ur system if raised dkh by alot in short period. Good luck bro! Sent from Singapore Reef Club mobile app
  7. bro, sorry for ur loss. where u get this sea water? Sent from Singapore Reef Club mobile app
  8. Good price, lights and chiller already well above $200. Good luck for ur sales and wish u speedy recovery! Sent from Singapore Reef Club mobile app
  9. one thing to note, u need to take into consideration for the equipment, bigger tank normally use more equipment so u generate more heat. Sent from Singapore Reef Club mobile app
  10. yup! so u will be more confident going forward [emoji13] Hope everything works out for u! in any case if possible, keep a space for chiller for possible upgrade. u never know the poison spread deeper and u keeping sps liao [emoji12] Sent from Singapore Reef Club mobile app
  11. Think its possible, but the answer may vary from reefer to reefer, u probably need to plan ur coral stocking list, those sensitive corals probably will not do well. The tank placement, house ventilation and ambient temperature (running air con or not)place a huge part. i running a chiller so its probably not best person to advise u [emoji23]. If its me, i would do the following 1. Plan out stocking list, avoid sensitive corals like acropora or those deep sea corals which by common sense dictates lower temp to thrive. Also probably get home cultured frags from other reefers which use fan and the corals probably is adapted liao. Those pluck from sea one probably more risky as they not been through “training” lol [emoji23] 2. Install more fans. how fans cool is by evaporation, so more fans more evaporation so more cooling effect. Also direction of fan is important i tink. u would wan to blow the surface of the water, slightly tilted to blow away the humidity. dont just aim ur fan to blast direct. 3. Get an ATO. with fan i tink ATO is an absolute must unless u 24/7 standby tank to top up fresh water, think u r experienced liao no need tell u [emoji23]. Also u consider ATO to be electronic or gravity fed. For me i prefer gravity fed as electronic introduced more points for failure. Its not necessary true but just my way of thinking. [emoji51] 4. Lastly, before a major upgrade like this where the rice cooked cannot go back scenario, i would do a mini test run. probably prepare some buckets of water at the preferred tank location and with fans running check the temp and evaporation all these, its not 100% replicable but at least give u some confidence level? whether its absolute a no go or “maybe its possible” lastly, i would still think its better to squeeze in a chiller, u should have read our ocean coral reefs dying due to climate change, so probably higher temp not so good for corals Happy reefing! Sent from Singapore Reef Club mobile app
  12. Time for an Otaku Review and Otaku Hack! Been trying out the seneye reef for sometime. I think its not totally useful. I mainly purchased for PAR purpose, have since reconfigured it to do the “monitoring” job which is supposedly advertised as its main purpose. tot can help do power outage notifications but [emoji17] Pros: 1. Its ok for temperature and out of water alarm as its very quick to email u if both above issues is outta whack. Cons: 2. Power outage notification is non existent. its only available if u buy the expensive SWS webserver. I used the BRS hack and got the PC stick but so far my test run showing no email notification when i disconnect power.. [emoji17] 3. PH and ammonia monitoring is subscription based, means u need buy slide to be able to monitor, about $10 bucks for 30 days, being the cheapo reefer i am i refuse to pay for this lol. Current solution is APEX and isocket both expensive solutions. Cannot be no solution right??? 21st century already and got Mr Google and being the Otaku as i am, i set out to find a solution for power outage notification for free!! Step 1: Download app call uptime robot, we will be making this app ping your router every 5mins, if ur router down (like in the event of power outage) it will auto send u email. Its totally Free! of cos if u feeling rich, u can subscribe to them, will ping every 1min!! Confirm monitor gao gao. Step 2: Find ur router WAN IP, if duno ask Mr Google. WAN IP is like ur Public IP fyi. Step3: key in ur WAN IP into the app. Voila! it works! Tested it and it works leh, maybe more reefers can try and see if works. Disclaimer: Try at ur own risk. Just testing out and not sure long time performance, and also router outage does not equal power outage for reef tank, could be just router down. Do take note, nevertheless, i tink its quite useful. Hope this helps! Happy Reefing! Seneye screenshot uptime Robot Sent from Singapore Reef Club mobile app
  13. RPE - $10 Green zoas - $8 Self collect admiralty PM or WA 92three5three22three Sent from Singapore Reef Club mobile app
  14. pls call b4 u go to check availability [emoji51] Sent from Singapore Reef Club mobile app
  15. To add on, did u send a sample of your fresh salt mix to ICP? this will help u establish a baseline, i personally do send samples for ICP test( work related [emoji28]) and find sometimes they have alot of noise so our protocol is always send a reference sample for comparison. Its like the bank tell u have $50k and u tink u are rich, but once u compare to a millionaire, u r cmi . [emoji13] Sent from Singapore Reef Club mobile app
  16. you might be interested in this article, it examines various source of aluminum in the reef tank, from your salt, food and biomedia. i personally use alot MP blocks, i find they are quite brittle, means basically u might have some small particles of MP flying around at any 1 time, its basically Aluminium oxide (ceramic) i tink. ICP use plasma to vaporize the water, i tink it tells u elemental composition rather than the actual compound meaning it tells u Al is present rather than AlO is present. Not expert here, any ICP expert here can help correct [emoji23]. Here is the link. Happy reefing. https://reefs.com/magazine/chemistry-and-the-aquarium-aluminum-in-the-reef-aquarium/ Sent from Singapore Reef Club mobile app
  17. it might be a good idea to doublecheck your water by measuring the TDS of ntuc water or LFS RODI. it should be zero or near zero. why dont invest in RODI unit yourself? nowadays can get quite cheap from taobao, or u can wait for forum to get a second hand unit, it will save u alot of trouble in the long run if u can make ur own water. For the metal part, cant say for sure, basically rust is equivalent to GFO which we use for phosphate control, so might not be causing u problems, but there could be some other components such as heavy metals that could impact ur water quality. For example, chromium is added to make it stainless. Its probably a good idea to remove the metal ring if u suspect something amiss. Good luck bro! hope got help u. Sent from Singapore Reef Club mobile app
  18. ur water change schedule seems reasonable, u using RODI or tap water? ICP helps u rule out or rule in water chemistry issue, some elements unable to test from normal available test kits, so will need ICP. If ur ICP results shows ok, means u need to start looking at lighting(par) and flow. ICP is available at some LFS like FNM, but pls call to check price and availability before hand. Good luck bro. Sent from Singapore Reef Club mobile app
  19. nice tank, ur magnesium is low i tink, any phosphate readings? Maybe can share your maintenance schedule especially ur nutrient export, water changes all these. How old ur tank? any corraline algae growth? coraline algae is a sign that ur tank can support corals with calcium carbonate structure For ur inverts dying, can’t really advise much, from my personal exp, inverts die faster when not well acclimated when first introduced. Do u do acclimation? If u willingly, best is send in water for ICP test, you can use this as guideline for parameters which may be off. Hope it helps. Cheers! Sent from Singapore Reef Club mobile app
  20. Yay! seems able to post back now woah didnt realize my sea cucumber grow so big, maybe sell to seafood restaurant, confirm organic and aquacultured! [emoji23] Sent from Singapore Reef Club mobile app
  21. theoretically its doable, but practical wise hard to pull off i tink, 1st of all u must be able to know ur tank evaporation rate, currently most ATO is either gravity fed or by level sensor so this makes it much easier, if u go the doser to top up RODI means u r assuming evaporation is always constant which might not be the case, in any case a salinity fluctuation is not good for your tank stability if u under top off or overtop off i tink. Probably some other senior reefer pull this off and can advise u. Hope it helps. Cheers. Sent from Singapore Reef Club mobile app
  22. TM elimni NP -$10 Left more than 90% Exp- 2024 Deal at my block Admiralty Interested PM or WA 92three5three22three RTP- $17 Sent from Singapore Reef Club mobile app
  23. Continue my tank thread here, old thread still cant post. Dmg today, finally got my hands on paddle pop chalice! Been eyeing this for long time. Not Cheap, but well worth every penny. Yum Yum [emoji39] Sent from Singapore Reef Club mobile app
  24. Bandsaw for cutting coral not cheap i tink, i personally use bone cutter, dremmel and pen knife, gets the job done. Bandsaw will be more efficient, but for home reefer use like take up space and bulky. bandsaw i tink more suitable for LFS or coral which constantly frag coral for sale. Hope it helps. Sent from Singapore Reef Club mobile app
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