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Otaku Reefer

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Everything posted by Otaku Reefer

  1. Hi Fellow Reefers, My name GQ and here to share about my tank Spec Tank: Red Sea reefer 350 wavemaker: Nero 5 and Rossmont M7200 Return: Rossmont Doser: Kamoer X4 plus and F4pro Lights : 3x AI hydra 26, using signature series spectrum skimmer: Red sea skimmer 300 chemical filter: activated carbon and GFO in mesh bag Running refugium plus algae scrubber both powered by Ai Fuge. ATO: Using red sea inbuilt gravity fed Top off tank Chiller: Hailea HS 90 Dosing: Red sea ABCD plus Redsea calcium and Alk. Fish list Yellow tang, dory, 2 bicolor anthias, 3 chromis, 1 foxface, 2 nemo, 1 scooter blenny, 1 lawnmower, 1 leopard wrasse and 2 cleaner shrimp 2 hermit, and quite a few conch,nassarius, cerith, and 1 larger serpent star for sandbed control and some turbo snails. Water params Alk 6.9-7.2 calcium: 400-450 Mag:1450-1500 (consumption very low, never dosed since day 1) nitrate :1-5ppm (show up as yellow on api kit) phosphate: 0.05 to 0.15ppm (hanna ULR) I started reefing in 2017 started off with a Nano, Cade PR400 with hang on back skimmer refuge, started well and corals growing fine but hand itchy want to follow the no water change craze so start dosing and using biopellets to control nutrient , this resulted in tank crash and corals melting like ice cream. Then decide to upgrade to red sea reefer since see their tank look so chio.. converted my cade PR400 to quarantine tank. Fast forward to red sea tank, started late 2018 till today. Sent from Singapore Reef Club mobile app
  2. depends on your goal and nutrient level target, if ur refugium is satisfy your maintenance schedule and able to maintain your desired nutrient level then theres no need to run ats, if your fuge not doing the job den probably u need to look at ats. which brand ats btw? careful with those china ats with claim “waterproof” led. there is risk for short circuit. happy reefing Sent from Singapore Reef Club mobile app
  3. how long they stayed closed? mine also closed for 2-3 days without any reason then suddenly ok.. any shrimps irritating it? Sent from Singapore Reef Club mobile app
  4. fyi Sent from Singapore Reef Club mobile app
  5. Not sure if helpful, but there is liquid calanus feed that can store at room temp, think can put on doser and feed. but i not sure copperband will eat. How long is ur bis trip? my bengai also die die wont take pellets, he can tahan 2 weeks without food ok...also my cleaner shrimps keep spawning now and then so i think he got live food also haha Sent from Singapore Reef Club mobile app
  6. wow, this build looks epic, looking forward to updates! Sent from Singapore Reef Club mobile app
  7. Rob, is the seneye connected to cloud? can u remote access like the apex for the monitoring? Sent from Singapore Reef Club mobile app
  8. Hi Rob, As usual, thank you for the detailed advise appreciate it. yup u are right, i dont have par meter, will consider a seneye after this CB ends lol. Mine is a 4 foot tank currently lighted by 2 26HD, i just mounted the 3rd light today, took ur advise and mounted it higher for all 3 lights, now about 12 inches above water, used to be about 11 inches. And using the acclimation mode of the AI hydra. Reduce intensity by about 40% for 1 month. Will take this chance to monitor the corals reaction daily since we r all stuck at home lol. Sent from Singapore Reef Club mobile app
  9. Hi fellow reefers, I am intending to add a third hydra 26hd to provide better spread as some my sps suffer from shading.. Can kindly advise on acclimating corals to the new light source? how much intensity and for how long is considered safe? i currently have 2 hydra 26hd, means i need to reduce intensity of these 2 lights when i add a third one? Thanks! Sent from Singapore Reef Club mobile app
  10. Bro, have similar experience, but its my Nano IOS flexible return hose for chiller detach onto the floor due to not secure properly , my floor all wet had to spend whole evening cleaning and mopping, but luckily i only had 2 clownfish inside and they survived. This hobby has a steep learning curve with lots of ups and downs dont give up and enjoy the journey! Sent from Singapore Reef Club mobile app
  11. bro i see u keeping cowfish, mine died after about 3months, suddenly stop eating, it has been eating seaweed and pallets very greedy, but i noticed it keep gulping air during feeding so i suspect maybe its death related to this. any special diet u feed to it? Sent from Singapore Reef Club mobile app
  12. It would be better if u could take a clearer pictures, picture abit blur Sent from Singapore Reef Club mobile app
  13. never use b4, but corals are not cheap stuff, not worthwhile if these lights affect their growth or outright bleach them, probably can use as refugium light. just my 2 cents. Sent from Singapore Reef Club mobile app
  14. Hi all, Any seniors reefers have kept successfully above corals >2 yrs? My stokesi sudden recede at the 1 yr mark, and now heliofungia also start receding at the 1yr plus mark without any reason, paarameters are fine and other corals including SPS is doing fine.. Read on overseas forum, these 2 corals are impossible to keep long term and i manage to buy both last time [emoji29][emoji29][emoji29]. Any advice is appreciated. Thanks. Sent from Singapore Reef Club mobile app
  15. probably due to sudden nutrient reduction due to carbon dosing, can easily cause tank crash if not manage properly, i did it b4 with biopellets haha...also your dkh i tink spike also, corals dont take alk swings and nutrients swings well. Good luck bro, hope ur hammer survive Sent from Singapore Reef Club mobile app
  16. drop off from stem means polyp bailout, can google more, reason most likely due to water conditions, stress..very low chance survive, this is final survival mechanism for LPS,like pilot eject seat from downing plane. there is small % chance of surviving but take note if u left too long and rot, might foul ur water. pls do check ur water parameters why this happen in first place and do a water change to correct parameters. just sharing, hope it helps u. good luck bro. Sent from Singapore Reef Club mobile app
  17. i got buy from MD b4 its similar to taobao buying experience, u need get a third party warehouse in US and they will ship to u. Sent from Singapore Reef Club mobile app
  18. u saw it killing and eating? hermit crab will molt, maybe the shrimp is picking on the empty shell, remember everyone is innocent until proven guilty lol Sent from Singapore Reef Club mobile app
  19. i dont think so, mg demand is low for corals, how u get so high resolution for MG, got 0.7 somemore ah, hanna got MG tester meh? for LPS my experience is torch is most easy to up the lorry, hammers and frogspawn seems to be more hardy if u confirm is accident den should be ok as long no infection, what about ur nitrates and phosphate? since u got 1 head is normal, u got check for anything irritating the other two heads. Pests? lastly, if still cannot find reason, to be safe i would suggest u do daily 10% water changes for 1 week to help smooth things out, certain things in the water we cant test. Just sharing my 2 cents. Good luck bro Sent from Singapore Reef Club mobile app
  20. your water parameters ok mah? Alk? phos-nitrate? did u do any major changes recently? if water is off, recommend do a water change, if u dont see any brown jelly coming out, should be safe, once u see brown jelly, u need to cut off the infected head otherwise will spread, go google brown jelly disease. Recommend dont stress the coral further if u dont see visible infection, go downhill fast.. Sent from Singapore Reef Club mobile app
  21. Informative video on dosing using science and math. Sent from Singapore Reef Club mobile app
  22. its breeder box type refugium, works by connecting a airpump to it, airpump will draw the water into fuge as it travel upwards, any excess water will overflow back to the maintank. Not too sure about its nutrient export ability but i know its great for breeding aphipods and copepods for nanotank/IOS tank Sent from Singapore Reef Club mobile app
  23. what u can do is get a small isolation box (those for fish) hangon type, u can put cheato inside and submerge under water and using same light, if ur cheato is ok means your original setup something wrong with flow, if using isolation box still die den probably no nutrient in water or light is no good..just my 2 cents, just take note some cheato might escape this way during this test. Sent from Singapore Reef Club mobile app
  24. i think light not enough, or no nutrient, also need some flow, if flow too slow no nutrient transport to cheato. u notice it turning white? Sent from Singapore Reef Club mobile app
  25. i only started quarantine after tank wipe lol, last time keep frantically trying all the reef safe method like garlic, feed nutrition food etc all dont work, fish still die, velvet is ultimate kill damn fast, 1 -2 days gone, even hardy fish like clowns also cannot survive. also try UV, no work also it doesnt do anything to those parasites on fish probably just killing free swimmers, tried copper and it works, follow the saying: if reef safe cant kill ich, those can kill ich not reef safe Sent from Singapore Reef Club mobile app
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