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Otaku Reefer

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Everything posted by Otaku Reefer

  1. very impressive build considering u only watch youtube, looks like a cabinet build by professional tank maker! [emoji106] Sent from Singapore Reef Club mobile app
  2. Doing some night photography iphone XR+orphek 20k+macro+CPL iphone XR+orphek 15k+macro+CPL Sent from Singapore Reef Club mobile app
  3. bought a zoa frag from LFS today and look what i found. Thanks to coral RX save me countless times [emoji120]. Cant stress the importance of dips and QT. very tanky, 15 mins full dose dip still not dead and moving around. [emoji28] Sent from Singapore Reef Club mobile app
  4. any pictures of them not puffing? wats ur water parameters? i would put on sandbed, low light and low flow, probably just make sure the flow is not like flipping up the tissue. hope its useful for u. Sent from Singapore Reef Club mobile app
  5. good price[emoji106] Sent from Singapore Reef Club mobile app
  6. i tink clam is vegen, dont eat meat one [emoji23], its filter feeder, phytoplankton bah Sent from Singapore Reef Club mobile app
  7. GSP RPE sold out, upz for forest digi, encrusting on plug Sent from Singapore Reef Club mobile app
  8. Interesting read https://www.nature.com/articles/s41598-018-32293-6 Sent from Singapore Reef Club mobile app
  9. GSP $20 reserved by steady bro, upz for $10 gsp and $10 fire digi, PM me for photos thanks Sent from Singapore Reef Club mobile app
  10. RPE reserved by steady bro, upz for rest. Sent from Singapore Reef Club mobile app
  11. New RPE frag available -$10 GSP- $20 large, $10 small Forest fire digi -$10 collection admiralty interested PM or watsapp 92three5three22three Sent from Singapore Reef Club mobile app
  12. also missed out sea hares- had one b4 eats hair algae as stated but dont last long in my reef tank. not really sure why it died as still a lot GHA for him to munch. Guess it may lack in food diversity other than GHA. Interesting to see it eat algae and poop small round poop at the other end haha. For me, i noticed its starts shrinking day by day and 1 day it just get blown around by the wavemaker and i know its gonner, took it out before the rumor tank nuker effect. (whether it nuke tank or not is not proven, guess nobody dare try it) Sent from Singapore Reef Club mobile app
  13. For me, urchin is good but is a bulldozer, keeps carry frag and knock down stuff lol. For sandbed- conch is very good; help turn sandbed nassirus snail- also good, help eats leftover food and turn sandbed hermit crab - good but keeps killing my snail for their shell exchange sally lightfoot crab- good at eating leftover food, also help himself to dying fish lol. its quite big actually, duno if will be threat to small fish emerald crab- good for bubble algae but heard they go rogue story, had one before never see them disturb coral lawnmower- good utility fish, all day munching on rock and sand for algae tangs and foxface - good utility fish for algae as well, but do be aware of tang aggression. Also ich magnet, need proper QT cerith snail - also good for sandbed starfish- i go for bristle star or serpent star for sandbed detritus eater. i personally avoid sand sifting fish or sand sifting starfish to protect my microfauna population. magarita snail - i think is very good snail, saw it took out tough to remove algae on glass turbo and trochus snail - also overall good snail but keep kena attack by my hermit cleaner shrimp - also good shrimp, they also spawn frequently in my tank providing fish with additional food. peppermint- good for apitasia but in high flow tank dont do well, be careful they look similar to camel back shrimp, camel back is not reef safe thats all i know from my own exp. hope it helps. happy reefing! Sent from Singapore Reef Club mobile app
  14. just sharing my tots, how old ur tank and ur bioload? if no skimate, got few reasons, ur bioload too low vs ur tank size, u never tune the skimmer properly, i tune the bubble until the collection cup neck, ur skimmer not rated properly or its not good skimmer, those very good skimmer using needle pump to create those very fine bubbles with higher surface area to bring out the skimmate. Got trend out there saying no need skimmer but i probably wont run without 1, its more for contingencies i tink cos got stuff die think the skimmer can quickly skim out the DOC quickly or in case of overdose meds, the skimmer also help i tink. Plus it aerates the water and bring up pH. Just my opinion, do wat u think is best for u, many paths to success. Happy reefing bro! Sent from Singapore Reef Club mobile app
  15. not 100% sure, maybe subspecies? Sent from Singapore Reef Club mobile app
  16. Monti reserved, left GSP and Forest fire, GSP smaller frags available for $10, PM me or watsapp 92three5three22three Sent from Singapore Reef Club mobile app
  17. RPE sold, left GSP, Monti and forest fire digi Sent from Singapore Reef Club mobile app
  18. candycane sold Sent from Singapore Reef Club mobile app
  19. i also interested to know lol, this pricing is probably closing down sales haha Sent from Singapore Reef Club mobile app
  20. collection admiralty, interested PM or watsapp 92three5three22three Sent from Singapore Reef Club mobile app
  21. RPE -$10 GSP-$20 (on 4” frag disk) Candy cane 2 heads plus no ID Zoas -$30 Red Monti -$25 (large pc about 6” length) Forest fire digi -$10 Sent from Singapore Reef Club mobile app
  22. When u buy fish from LFS next time, be sure to ask if running copper, if running copper, most likely they run low dose and this can mask the ich or velvet, its recommended that u do your own QT. If not running copper, make an effort to inspect all their fish for disease especially tangs. if no have, u probably can skip QT but its also a game of chance, theres no 100% guarantee. For ur current situation, As other bros stated, u probably need to go fallow for a few months to rid of the velvet/ich. QT is same methodology for humans for covid19, a separate tank to observe the fish for parasites and stuff and to protect your other fish from any potential disease. Also its a place to do treatment if necessary as most treatment is not reef safe, if reef safe most likely not effective. you should go check up google on marine fish quarantine. you will be able to find alot info there. Velvet is a marine parasites, feed on fish and reproduce fast. infects the gill and slowly suffocating the fish. Also when the parasites drop off will leave alot open wounds for secondary infection. Similar for marine ich, but less deadly than velvet. Good Luck! Sent from Singapore Reef Club mobile app
  23. if u running carbon, need to remove. i also using salifert and low dose cupramine, the color chart between zero and next available conc is very difficult to see for me, but the copper is definitely there cos ich no more after few days. the biomedia will absorb some copper i tink also. If not super lethal like velvet, probably u need concern more on ammonia cos now all fish in small tank. Just sharing. Sent from Singapore Reef Club mobile app
  24. API kit reserved by Bro C. Upz for tetra kit, pls note tetra kit got no expiry stated, bought 1yr ago from LFS. pls PM only if u ok. Thanks Sent from Singapore Reef Club mobile app
  25. Hi reefers, Anybody selling eheim CompactOn 3000 pls pm me. TIA Sent from Singapore Reef Club mobile app
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