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Cardinal Tetra

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Everything posted by Cardinal Tetra

  1. With a skimmer, water changes should be at most once every 2 weeks. Without a skimmer, water changes should be more frequent, your 5 to 6 weeks water change is really not enough.
  2. May I know how long have you been using it, and with that pump? thanks.
  3. Looking for a venturi Macro skimmer to skim my 3ft tank. I don't mind geting the 250 model but I want to buy it with a pump. Any offers?
  4. Does it come with pump, and for how many litre tank?
  5. Things are not looking really good right now. Bought 2 packs of frozen brine shrimp and mysis shrimp each and fed the brine shrimp (as the lady claimed they feed on brine shrimp) but it did not eat The only good sign is both of them are pecking on the LR. The butterfly's tain fin has been totally nipped off by what I don't know. It also looks like its having trouble staying straight as it would always stay at one corner and tilt alittle. andylee, why will the fins get nipped on when the fish is in stress? I don't think the clown or angel is the culprit but I may be wrong. Another interesting thing is, the angel hides in the LR most of the time but its fins are still intact which doesnt show sign of crab attack right? sigh.
  6. I just bought a black band butterfly and bi colour angel for my FOWLR tank yesterday night. I did not feed the fishes last night as I wanted to give them some time to settle in. The butterfyl immediately swam around the tank, sometimes taking a peck at the LR. But the bi-colour angel just hid in the LR. Just tried to feed them just now with flakes and frozen bloodworm. The 2 fishes took a peck at them but spat it out. What do you think I should try? Bought them from Pasir Ris farmway (i think is ah beng?), they told me they feed on frozen brine shrimp. I heard that brine shrimp is not nutritious to fishes. Also, found out that part of my butterfly fish tail fin was bitten off by something. I only have a clarki clown in my tank, and its scared of the butterfly. Any idea what would have caused it? crabs maybe?
  7. Use the essense of chicken trick. Its useful. Get an empty essense of chicken bottle and put some food inside (frozen fish) and lean it upwards against an LR when the lights are out. The crabs will fall into the bottle and cant climb out.
  8. I used to use RedSea salt but I switched to BioMarine salt in the later stages. Other than solubility issues, I have no problems using BioMarine salt. Can you are to share why its horrible?
  9. Want to know my secret? Bio Marine salt Serious. I don't dose any addictives or whatever. Hell I don't even have test kits.
  10. Well I guess it wouldn't do much harm since its a FOWLR tank. It could be a nudi, and its really familiar but just can't recall where I've seen it too.
  11. I will have to attach the NON RESIZED PIC as its much clearer.
  12. Last week I brought back some sponge I found at Sentosa beach, and placed it in my tank. Few days later I discovered this snail like creature on the sponge. It is white in colour with blue spots, exactly the same colour as a blue spotted ###### shrimp. It has 4 smaill spikes on its back like a sea urchin. Anyone knows what it is? Here is a picture of it, its kinda blur, but its the best shot I could take.
  13. I had that before too. Doesn't do any harm, and its really beautiful. Your algae does'nt look like mine, mine was curly at the sides.
  14. Use a DIY overflow system (box or pipe) if you do not want to drill a hole.
  15. I wanted to know how much you bought it for. I thought it was first hand from a tank maker. thanks anyway.
  16. Thank you all for your feedback. One thing I'm really amazed is that I've not done a water change for 2 months and my tank is running without a skimmer... Everything seems fine! Currently too busy argh... exams are next week.... Anyway I've been feeding my fishes once every 2 days with bits of flakes or frozen bloodworm. Will update more, stay tuned...
  17. upz..... take all LR for $18 only! About 5kg+ with coralline algae.
  18. Do you mind pm me the price of the 2 tanks and stand? Thanks.
  19. 4x green chromis 1x yellow tail damsel Been with me for 6mths, feeds on flakes and frozen bloodworms. Chromis about 1.5-2", damsel about 1"+. Collection at Simei.
  20. Thank you for all the feedback. Ironically, I have not changed the water since I set up the tank about 1 month ago I think. Will do a water change after CNY when I'm less busy.
  21. No skimmer, just a powerhead for circulation and a hang on filter.
  22. Diadem dottyback. Going to add in another cleaner shrimp. I think thats the max livestock already..
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