Hey thanks for the offer! Do you happen to have the Australia type of Christmas Worm? I think your picture is the malaysia/ indo type, they are typically much smaller than Australia kind. Sent from Singapore Reef Club mobile app
$800 Always hungry, stable(2 years with me, from SAS) and good size 6-7cm. Pm for video @ 93369047 Reason: Redsea 170 too small for it Sent from Singapore Reef Club mobile app
Anyone know where can I get a 10-12cm plug? Prefer plug then rocks or dead coral coz it grows into a perfect circle. Sent from Singapore Reef Club mobile app
I have some premium corals to trade, mainly got board of the visuals 1. Aussie Christmas Tree 2. Aussie Dragon Soul (Large colony) 3. Large pink gonio 4. Bright orange (favia I think) 93369047 Sent from Singapore Reef Club mobile app