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Everything posted by elimmel

  1. nice setup... getting so envious of u guys that have a tank in the office
  2. thanks Simon, might just try that another newb question.... the sequence is tapwater -> sediment filter -> GAC -> DI resin -> DI water right?
  3. i'm using a maxijet 1200 (1100 l/h) for my weipro2011. works like a charm. tune the water level to where the collection cup meets the body. problem with weipro is that u need to monitor the water level in the skimmer and tune regularly. things like feedings, adding of addictives, evaporation of tank water etc will affect the skimmer water level n performance. after a while, i'm sure you'll know what works for your skimmer. oh ya, check all skimmer connections/joints for leakage too.
  4. the pic in the ebay site is a via aqua skimmer a jebo 178 looks like this the via aqua or red sea prizm works much better. a weipro is better too
  5. may i know whether the cartridges for the resin or GAC reusable?
  6. the weipro 2011 is definitely good enough for a nano tank. using it for my 24G and can collect 1/4 of pretty dark skimate within a week. the more i feed the darker it gets. suggest you search for threads on the 2011 or start a new one over at equipment section
  7. list of ingredients taken from ocean nutrition site Formula One is red and, like our frozen and flake products, it is produced with higher protein levels. Shrimp, plankton, sardine, soybean, wheat flour, salmon egg oil, lecithin, spirulina, fish oil, minerals (calcium chloride, potassium iodide, ferrous sulfate, manganese sulfate, magnesium carbonate, zinc sulfate), garlic, MPAX (Marine Protein Amino eXtract: fish meals, hydrolysate's, select amino acids (arginine, histidine, isoleucine, leucine, lysine, methionine, cystine, phenylalanine, threonine, tryptophan, and valine)), vitamins (stabilized vitamin C, biotin, beta carotene, cyanocobalamin, niacin, riboflavin, thiamin, vitamin E), preservatives (ethoxyquin, potassium sorbate), amino acids (dl- methionine, L-lysine), carotenoid pigments (astaxanthin, canthaxanthin), and beta glucan. Formula Two is green and is for fish with lower protein needs. Shrimp, plankton, sardine, kelp, alfalfa, squid, salmon egg oil, spirulina, lecithin, fish oil, garlic, casein, minerals (calcium chloride, potassium iodide, ferrous sulfate, manganese sulfate, magnesium carbonate zinc sulfate), MPAX (Marine Protein Amino eXtract: fish meals, hydrolysate's, select amino acids (arginine, histidine, isoleucine, leucine, lysine, methionine, cystine, phenylalanine, threonine, tryptophan, and valine)), vitamins (stabilized vitamin C, biotin, beta carotene, cyanocobalamin, niacin, riboflavin, thiamine. vitamin E), preservatives (ethoxyquin, potassium sorbate), carotenoid pigments (astaxanthin, canthaxanthin), and beta glucan.
  8. fish already in without the liverock? so what providing the biofiltration? better go get some liverock (20-30kg at least) for your tank. check out the pasar malam section. after putting in the liverock, expect another tank cycle due to die offs from the rock.... pls read the stickies on setting up a marine tank
  9. wow that hot ah?! only have experience using 150W mh. still same advise... nvr touch your light fixture (PL, FL, T5, mh etc) when it's on. allow it to cool down after it's off b4 touching too
  10. sorry about your blue tang. btw, formula 1 & 2 pellets already contain garlic so no need to soak them in garlic again.
  11. the skimmer is from Via Aqua not JEBO. the powerhead is from JEBO. the skimmer is similar to the red prizm... suitable for smaller tanks.
  12. dump all the stock media except the sponges. use liverock rubble (not finely crushed), rowaphos and purigen in the back chambers. i would suggest you change the stock pump to a maxijet 1200. it'll generate less heat and still give u enough flow in your tank. btw, why would crushed liverock reduce your flow? wouldn't having bioballs n ceramic rings block the flow too? take lfs advise with a pinch of salt. the stock fans are kind of weak so may u can look to replace or add to them with pc fans (look for high cfm). visit (if you have not) this site for some tips/info on setting up n maintaining a NC. www.nano-reef.com/forums/ btw, see my NC thread in nano section on some of the mods that can be done. right now, i've gone hoodless. added a weipro2011 (maxijet1200), cl450chiller, aquabee 3000 pump, 150w mh, cannister fuge, chambers have biohome, rowa n purigen. wife thinks i'm nuts!
  13. Chris, very nice zoo u have there chercm - take your time to choose n judge the colours under white light. colours under blue light (arctinic) look totally different when under white light. for example, green under blue light will look brown under white light... something along those lines la.
  14. my corals love it but kind of expensive so once this bottle finish, won't be getting another one
  15. most casings would be very warm or hot but not to the extent of causing a burn... definitely not recommended to touch.
  16. at No. 1 Pasir Ris Farmway 1, Block C ( inside Mainland Tropical Fishfarm) . Opening Hours : 11am - 7pm , closed on Monday except Public Holidays. Tel : 65842160.
  17. i just put them in a small container with tank water n give it a stir before pouring straight into the tank. then the feeding frenzy begins best thing is that my lyretail anthias love it too
  18. saw some really small blue tangs at lck last sat under quarantine
  19. liverock? looks like the dead skeleton of some lps leh...
  20. good tips here's how i control my no3 in my 24G. 1. 1.2kg of biohome 2. >20 lbs of LR 3. chaeto in my canister filter, hydor prime 30 4. weipro 2011 5. 4inch sandbed 6. weekly WC (20%), tropic marin 7. clean filter wool (weekly, change monthly) n clean coarse filter sponge monthly with IOS vacuuming other chem filtration 1. rowa 2. seachem purigen no3 <5ppm using salifert. note i feed pretty heavy 4 shrimps (cleaner, blood, randall & peppermint) 2 true perc 1 royal gramma 1 orange spotted goby 1 yasha goby 1 blue tang (1.5 inch in size, moving to 6ft when bigger) 2 lyretail anthias (will move with blue tang) looking to add 1 bartlett
  21. wow, you guys are real lucky to be able to keep a fish tank in the office ... keep us posted on the progress yah
  22. if i'm not wrong, the smallest sized T5 available in SG is 2ft. maybe you'd want to use T4 instead? check out this thread http://www.sgreefclub.com/forum/index.php?showtopic=44462
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