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Everything posted by elimmel

  1. ya la bro, just hoping the customs officer not so well informed better not risk it. anyone with updates? nothing much happening this week...
  2. harlequin marine 17 cavan road singapore 209850 tel 63965659 www. harlequinmarine.com err... no relations to the shop and not advertising for them
  3. this point is very impt. have you checked out the sps nano tank at harlequin? uses mh light and the skimmer is.....
  4. inhabitants suppose to be pink mouth... my pretty suncoral
  5. almost 3 months old 24G JBJ Nanocube DX... pls ignore the brain skeleton & clam. was from my bro's crashed tank. will get rid once i start to fill up the tank with more corals pardon the poor pics & reflection (taken during day time) 1x orange spotted goby 1x hi-fin banded goby 1x yasha goby 2x pistol shrimp 2x true percula 1x caribbean royal gramma 1x electric blue hermit 5x snails (need to get more) front view side views. the pistol shrimps are making a mess of my sand bed... some algae growing... anyone can id?
  6. yah yah , below 30G la. also, start from scratch abit problem for some of us. how about not more than 6mths old?
  7. the AP test kit can be used for SW. it has a separate chart for SW. i suggest you get salifert kits. test your NSW before adding to the tank.
  8. i have a friend who works as a diver at underwaterworld. she says that she's more afraid of the giant garoupas than the sharks just hide in cave and "suck" their prey into their huge mouths
  9. my bro just came back from houston. he visited an aquarium over there and was blown away by its huge display tank. he asked how is maintenance done (galss cleaning etc). they have full-time staff that'll dive in to clean glass. he asked whether the tank is lit by sunlight. nope, artificial lighting (probably high wattage mh) that'll blind everyone that looks into it... stupid idiot did not take pics of the tank....
  10. you should do a search over at www.reefcentral.com and see some of the 300+++ Gallon setups. the equipments used are huge too. in SG, the public tanks are usually fowlr. just there's space limitation to put all the equipements required.
  11. times are hard enough for our LFSs. to do such a things is really downright despicable. poor seahorses... places like LCK and Reborn are pretty open with minimal supervision from the owners. why? it's because they trust us hobbyists to be responsible people. hope he/they get caught real soon.
  12. ya man, i didn't manage to go AA on sunday due to some urgent errands.. or else it'll be in my tank liao .... joking only lah swee swee man!
  13. no idea how to differentiate male from female pistol shrimp anyway, got them separately so that my yasha and banded got have 1 friend each... oh well... was watching them dig for a while. whenever the smaller pistol could not move a small pc of stone, it'll go into the burrow and get the bigger one to move it. at last count, they have about 5 burrows all over the tank.
  14. my goby and shrimp pair another view same shrimp??? . . . . . . NO! it's 2 shrimps and 1 goby now my yasha is so lonely...
  15. bro, check this out http://www.arofanatics.com/forums/showthread.php?t=202828
  16. as of lunchtime; ah beng : yellow tangs, potter's angel, 1 yellow head jawfish, clowns, nothing much i-aquarium - pretty empty... maybe preparing for shipment?
  17. possible to post the specs of the pond? size of fibreglass tank, number of bricks, pump, lights, water feature etc... easier for us to compare agst retail prices. hope you don't mind
  18. just went to LCK noon time. the black trigger going for $30 (if i never hear wrongly ) still lots of royal grammas (caribbean) & yellow head jawfish (very nice). the yellow neon gobies were packed in plastic bags, don't know whether ready to export. what else caught my eyes?? limited numbers of bartlett & tiger anthias flame angels flame hawkfish percula clowns (paired ones too) that's all i can remember... had to rush back to work
  19. why don't you check out the clip-on mh that iwarna has on offer?
  20. $5 zoo from the shop across ah beng's. rock size around 5-6inches
  21. from the US? hmmm... time to speak to the guys from AA about bringing in these gems
  22. this is the zoo i'm been looking for ..... bro, can share where available? or when available to frag? thanks
  23. $5 from the shop across ah beng's. rock size around 5-6inches.
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