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  1. i tink love is like life... full of ups & downs.. full of happiness & bitter sorrow.... love is a contradiction in itself... but if u can overcome the bitterness & utter saddness... u wil enjoy the sweetness of it all... love sometimes call 4 sacrifice on ur part 2... it oso depends on hw much u love... & i tink love is nt limited 2 juz boy girl love... love is very wide.. it can b any kinda relationships.. be it wif frens or family... or 4 me... my dog... i love her 2 the pt of i can sacrifice anytin 4 him... love is great...
  2. hve cold joke... which key on ur keyboard cant sing?
  3. blueheaven i like the idea of pay it forward though i haben got the chance 2 watch it yet... but i was reali impressed.. & wish tat it might reali happen in tis world... i tink if pple wif strong dreams & make effort 4 it 2 happen... i tink its possible 2 change the world.. 4 the beta of coz!!
  4. tink mayb u needa reconsider ur decision den!
  5. lightningstrike i tink wolfie might reali needa spend time on learnin 2 cook & WASH HIS CLOTHES!!!!
  6. wolfie sound like u reali interested in studyin over there! i guess studyin overseas oso mean being independent & being able 2 take care of urself & being able 2 do housework by urself!
  7. as i read tis... my hair stood uP!!! i tink its quite scarY!!!
  8. You have this friend since elementary and after college the both of you never talk to each other or call each other anymore. But she is someone really special to you, and you're someone very special to her too.. 5 years later you receive a phone call from her... "Hi Michelle, I'll visit you" she said "Hi, Leah, when?" you asked her "Just wait for me" she replied.... It seems weird but you prepared for her coming anyway. One rainy night you heard a knock on the door. And you're surprised to see that it's your friend, Leah. Losing touch for 5 yrs. is long so the both of you talked about everything. The both of you even went to your room upstairs. Suddenly there's a blackout So the 2 of you talked in candle light. Then the phone rang..... "I'll just get the phone downstairs" you said since there's no phone upstairs. "No.... don't get it, we're in the middle of our girl talk" she said. "It might be important," you said. "okay if you say so, but promise me you'll be back.." she said. So you promised her a million times that you'll be back. Then you ran downstairs to answer the phone... "Hello," you said. "Hi, is this Michelle?" the person in the other line asked "yeah," you said wondering who is it... "I called on behalf of Leah's family, they had a tragic accident and her parents are in the hospital right now..." he continued "and Leah?" you asked forgetting that Leah is upstairs. "She died.." he said, then he hanged up. You slowly put the phone down and looked at the long stairs... WOULD YOU GO BACK? as you promised...
  9. personally i think this all thing is crap. all this charity stuff on tv is getting commercialised & it really defeats the purpose of doing charity. i believe the stars themselves shld b quite well off? so y dun they donate instead of doing stunts? another thing... if only by doing this kinda stunts will it bring in $$$ for charity... doesnt it say alot of the pple in singapore? singing & performing is fine... not risking your own life! i din even bother 2 watch it tt day!
  10. wei... u noe the buffet lunch hw much anot? den wat's the place called? & is there any limitations 4 buffet? like some stuff can eat once or its juz all u can eat?
  11. i happen 2 b 1 of the female species u r refering 2... & im nt glued 2 tis guys/girls... btw... tink tt vanness guy look the prettiest girl...
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