Releasing below items. 1) Glamorca GP-03 (bought and never use) selling at $150 2) Skimz SM-161 skimmer (just change pump) warranty till Mar 2021 Please PM me if interested. Thanks. Sent from Singapore Reef Club mobile app
Huge size Sohal and mustard tang
Tomini tang
Cortez rainbow wrasse
China wrasse
Blue tang 3.5inch (2 pieces)
Sent from Singapore Reef Club mobile app
Huge size Sohal and mustard tang
Tomini tang
Cortez rainbow wrasse
China wrasse
Blue tang 3.5inch (2 pieces)
Sent from Singapore Reef Club mobile app
Dun make me sad. One of my many CBB died!! This is due to aggression while snatching for food. [emoji22][emoji22] Sent from Singapore Reef Club mobile app