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Everything posted by NeoReef

  1. Update : Apex, ow10, sw10, return pump taken
  2. Well my ato is in my return chamber but it too tend go fluctuate , does this happen to you?
  3. Hey guys , im using a herbie overflow system coupled with a filter sock to remove large detrititus before it enters the sump . However , as detritius slowly build up on the filter sock , the flow of water into the sump is somewhat reduced , causing the wayer level in the sump to fluctuate and my ATO to not function properly. Does anyone of you know how to resolve this issue ?
  4. Not sure if faulty test or what , highly likely due to nopox and skimming inthink
  5. Frozen hahah !!! but his food always kena stolen by the other tangs
  6. Also , i got myself a handsome copperband from ahbeng last week during the national day breaks. Fortunately for me , this copperband seems to love mysis hope ill be able to keep him fat healthy and happy in my tank
  7. Just an update for this week: Sg- 1.025 Ca- 440 (-10) Alk- 6.4 (-0.3) NO3 undetectable PO4- 112ppb (-38) mg- 1110 Trying to understand and tweak my system and get it to stablize at my ideal parameters. Currently having a imbalance between phosphates and nitrates , but it seems that it is slowly dropping from 155ppb to 113ppb over the course of 5 days without a change in feeding schedule through using nopox. I an thinking of implementing a diy cheato reactor as well as a refugium to rectify the po4 issue and to buffer my pH levels especially when my Ca rx comes online. Bought a black box led grow light from shoppee for 60 bux , hope it will grow my cheatonwell!! Also , im facing a slight issue of magnesium being too low at 1110, i guess it might be the salt that im using that has low Mg content . Thinking of using Madpetz MgCl / mg sulfate to rectify the low mg issue however im aware that theres risk of impurities as they are only of food grade quality . Another altnerativw would be aquaforest magnesium. Has anyone used these products before and can testify for them? Lastly , theres a little bleaching on 2 of my frags thats starting from the base . Not sure whats causing it , research online but theres many things that may have caused it . 1 may be due to my lower alk of ~6.4 and high PO4 of 0.3~ ppm , 2 might be due to a slight over dosage of nopox a few days back which caused white slime to appear everywhere in my sump . The rest seems to be fine tho. Would like to hear you guy’s input on this! So while im learning and tweaking my tank , here are some pics of my relatively empty tank !!! Hopefully these frags can survive , color up and outgrow this tank in a few months time!!
  8. I feed only 3 cubes mysis a day and my phosphates are alrdy at 0.4ppm ... plus i have a much larger water volume , must be your rocks filled with beneficial bacteria , anyways how do you keep the at tang in such a small tank , im aware they grow quite big and require lots of swimming space!!
  9. You dont dose carbon/ run gfo at all? woah how much do you feed your fishes
  10. Ya ... the sump looks very cramped and hard to work with , do you plan to custom make one yourself?
  11. woah , very beautiful tank indeed. How do you manage to keep so many fishes without a nutrient issue in your tank?
  12. Hello bro!! I like your acan garden , maybe will set up one in my tank next time . How is the refugium going on for you? Able to help you cope with nutrients? Hows your feeding schedule like?
  13. cant wait to see your build Bro!! i also recently started a 522
  14. Surprising though , i have been feeding 1 cube a day for about 1 week still no no3 but po4 is high
  15. Slowly adding more frags next week , and keeping a watch on alk and ca to tune my CA reactor , if you have some nice frags to let go pls drop me a message
  16. I also added some frags to the tank , so far no casualties , some are doing well but some are not showing good polyp extensions. Favourite here got to be the fibre optic pocci ! I will try to get nicer pictures in the future with a dslr .
  17. Just an update: Sg- 1.024 Ca- 430 Alk- 7dkh NO3- undetectable (im not sure why is it so low , maybe its because i cycled the rocks in the tub prior? Or it might be due to me dosing nopox last week) PO4- 135 ppb ( anyone have a solution to bring down PO4 without running GFO? I was thinking of dosing nitrates to bring it down together with carbon dosing) Over the course of the week i added a few new tank inhibitants : 1 blue tang 1 japanese swallow tail angelfish (my favourite) 1 coral beauty angel 1 diamond goby 1 electric blue hermit 4 astrea snails I am thinking of adding a copperband ,purple tang , pyramid butterfly fish as well as a bristle tooth tang and a few anthias to the community
  18. Yes agreed!! its value for money , as for precision wise , maybe ill change the probe to a better one since probes are universal right?
  19. Haha i spent 8k on the entire set up from top to bottom including additives. I am getting an algae turf scrubber soon , trying to get vincent to create a box for me to run it . Ive done q a bt of research and the general consesnses is that algae turf scrubber are more efficient at removing nutrients than a refugium , what are all of your thoughts on this?
  20. woah , have the caperplus ph probe been properly calibrated? If so then i will only use it to check for fluctuations
  21. Right now the sump and control panel is super messy , will try to get the rectified over the weeks when i have the time
  22. The parameters for my tank are Ph- 8.13 (Goal is 8.3) temperature- 25.0-26.8 NH3- 0ppm NO3- 5 to 10 (i cant really tell the difference with the salifert test kits) Ca- 440 ppm Alkalinity - 7.3 dkH Mg- 1110 ppm I am actually quite impressed with Caperplus ph and temp monitor , its very easy to use and it gives me a peace of heart being able to check if theres anything wrong with my tank (eg compressor or thermostat failing , or in the future if my ATO is dumping too much kalk solution into the tank)
  23. Update for the week! So before i booked out last week, i filled up the tank with RO/di and self mixed it with SKIMz PUR reef salt to hit a density of 1.025. Since the piping work and compressor has already been completed , i cycled the rocks in the tank (actually i have been cycling them in a large pail for close to 3 months prior) for a week with the intention to stabalized by the time im back , so that it can finally welcome its first inhabitant!! A yellow tang!! What shall i name it? By the way these are the lights running solely on thw white chanels as i could’nt get a good picture with blues on
  24. Hello equiox bro , paid 2308 for all 4 light sets
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