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Everything posted by NeoReef

  1. About fist size , 40 dollars ( now is bigger )
  2. Hey guys , recently my pH probe cap for my bubble magus calcium reactor broke and its leaking , need to find a replacement for it , wondering if anybody has or knows a lobang for it itll be greatly appreciated!!!
  3. latest FTS as of 9 Dec 2018 , color has been coming back after increasing feeding and reducing nopox after taking advice from fellow reefers . not the best it can be yet though
  4. Hey i have lots if u dont mind coming to the east
  5. Looking for mini colonies of acros!!! Pm me if you have some to sell away!!
  6. Hello I have a large fibre glass tank used initially for koi for sale , comes with a smaller tank as well. Looking at 100. Delivery to be arranged by buyer
  7. It's one of those black box Chinese LEDs ! Using one in my sump rn
  8. Hello I have an extra unused bnib refugium lightset bought from China . Reason for selling is I realised I don't need two sets as one set is strong enough . Looking for 100
  9. Have an unopened 1000g aquaforest stone fix that I intended to use for securing my rock works but didn't use it in the end , thus letting it go at 15 bux retail 19 bux
  10. Have an unopened 1000g aquaforest stone fix that I intended to use for securing my rock works but didn't use it in the end , thus letting it go at 15 bux retail 19 bux
  11. Looking for striking blue stag mini colony and other acros ! Message me or pm me at 92388112 if you have some to let go
  12. Looking for striking blue stag mini colony and other acros ! Message me or pm me at 92388112 if you have some to let go
  13. As of now , my greatest concern would be rectifying my aefw problem . I'm dreading the idea of dipping my corals every week and checking diligently for pest but it seems that's the best way to go about things (anyone have other suggestions? T.T any reviews on purge/flatworm exit?) I thought maybe instead of eradicating it , I should just control it's population size with a group of predators like wrasses and mandarins but we shall see how things goes
  14. Recently just jumped over to pixel phones and I must say that Google phones have a much better cameras compared to Apple ! Here's some pictures of my 'control panel' and ugly sump that i failed to keep tidy (got really lazy) just got my calcium reactor up and running yesterday night , I swapped over to a bubble magus one instead of the skimz 157 as there are many issues with the 157 like poor recirculation capabilities due to the lack of a dedicated recirculatory pump , poor efflue t stability (effluents needs to be almost gushing for it to continue to run) and it just gave me many headaches . The bubble magus on the other hand , is priced at only 280 and so far it looks pretty promising (keeping fingers crossed) . I also added a refugium to help me cope with algae issues and double as a safe haven for little be beneficial critters.
  15. Did a couple of water changes and my parameters are in set for now ... Waiting for the tank to recover and get it's colors back ! Not all went bad though , my rainbow natasuta and lavender short cake is showing signs of recovery and growth on my sps is pretty decent if you can tell from the pictures . So here's my latest FTS , and some par readings that I got with the help of bro Leon ! (Added and changed the rockscape)
  16. Fast forward to 31st October , went for another overseas excercise for two weeks , and as many of you have guessed , yes things started to go wrong again . For some reason , my salinity dropped from 1.025 to 1.022 , my best guess is due to the fluctuations in the overflow box (I'm using a Herbie overflow system ) and there were some pH swings due to kalkwater that I had in the auto top off. Also , I must blame this upon myself for not dipping frags I receive from fellow reefers ... Because of this mistake I introduced aefw into my system , causing some of my sps to stop showing it's polyps and most to lose it's color .
  17. This was how the tank looked after a series of water changes and increase in dosage of nopox(sorry for the poor photo quality I was using an iPhone 6s)
  18. Hello guys it's been awhile since the last update! Much has happened since then and i received quite a few hits while I was on an overseas excercise . For starters , when I was in Brunei , a majority of fishes passed on from ich and caused a spike in my nitrates and phosphates level . As if confirming Murphy's law , my skimer overflowed onto the floor , causing my auto top off to dump the tank with excess kalk water causing pH and salinity swings . Luckily , caperplus gave me sufficient time to act (called home to off the pump) and things we're quickly rectified by doing daily water changes when I was back . Here's a picture of the tank that welcomed me when I was back
  19. Currently having a little issues with aefw... Looking for reefers that have excess purge or are looking to share a small bottle ☺️
  20. Its heart warming to see so many people that are willing to help out ! I just collected some from a really nice reefer ! Thank you everybody
  21. Hello friends! looking for someone that has spare excess chaeto to give away! If you have some , please do let me know!!
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