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Everything posted by PaulPaul01

  1. Hi guys, I met up with a fellow saltwater hobbyist, who also happens to be my neighbour, who made keeping the above mentioned fish look easy. I'm unsure if this is general knowledge, but he feeds his fish a product called 'Masstick'. The fish ate it very readily, and even ate it from his hand (including other butterflies and a few Clownfish). They look very happy and have very strong colours. Sorry, I cannot post any photos as I did not take any as I was too shy haha. So yes, this is just an FYI to any other FOWLR hobbyists out there who are hesitant to keep both of these fish because of their feeding requirements:) Sent from Singapore Reef Club mobile app
  2. I'm currently keeping two mushrooms and one small GSP colony (that opened the day or the day after that I bought it). I bought Metallic GSP about six days ago and it hasn't opened yet. Diatoms are starting to form on the purple mat. What can I do to make it open up as quickly as possible? I've been brushing its surface to prevent build up of stuff. What else can I do? Thank you:) Sent from Singapore Reef Club mobile app
  3. Thank you:) Sent from Singapore Reef Club mobile app
  4. Hey guys How big of an effect will suddenly plopping in inverts such as shrimps or snails put in a 30 gallon tank? And how many can I put? Do they have a large effect on the ammonia output? Thank you:) Sent from Singapore Reef Club mobile app
  5. Yeah exactly, but unless trade, I can't rly get it cos the shop doesn't do refunds, only exchanges. Thx for the tips:) Sent from Singapore Reef Club mobile app
  6. Also can give NLS Marine Formula 1mm along with it Sent from Singapore Reef Club mobile app
  7. Bought a wavemaker for my corals today, ended up getting an overly strong 3k L/h wavemaker for my 2 ft tank. I don't mind if used or what brand, but smth suitable for a 2 ft tank for moderate flow. I can also trade it in and pay a little extra for a gd model. Thank you:)15306238239481530623848080 Sent from Singapore Reef Club mobile app
  8. I see, so to clarify, they are fine with actual hobbyists coming to look and maybe buy livestock, but they prefer not to hv ppl who are just there to see as like visitors? Thx for asking them haha Sent from Singapore Reef Club mobile app
  9. Thanks for the info:) Sent from Singapore Reef Club mobile app
  10. Ah okay thx Hopefully can come across a cheap chiller in the future, thx Sent from Singapore Reef Club mobile app
  11. I see, thx a lot:) But if that is the case, why don't more people use fans instead of chillers? The costs seem much lower overall Sent from Singapore Reef Club mobile app
  12. I'm currently using a cooling fan system instead of a chiller, but I realised that evaporation is a pretty common concern. Do I have to top up salt also, or just freshwater to the original level? If I have to top up salt pretty much everyday, kind of costly in the long run also. Thanks:) Sent from Singapore Reef Club mobile app
  13. My tank is abt 30 gallons so the Picasso will be by itself. Only tankmates it's getting are the corals haha Sent from Singapore Reef Club mobile app
  14. I noticed that you have zoanthids with your clown trigger, didn't they release toxins when bit by the trigger? Isn't it the toxin that can harm humans? By the way, nice Clown Trigger bro, but as far as I know they are way more aggressive haha so I stayed away frm them. Here's my Humu Picasso Trigger Kept for almost a week already:)
  15. Currently, I am keeping a small 1.5 inch Humu Picasso Triggerfish in my 30 gallon. I will definitely give it away in the future once it hits around 3.5 or 4 inches, but until then, I'll be keeping it by itself. As far as I know, the Humu Picasso Triggerfish is mainly considered reef incompatible is because of the fact that it eats what is considered as the clean up crew, but does not necessarily attack the corals themselves. I'll be getting Pulsing Xenia and Green Star Polyps. In the extremely slim chance that Picasso will attack the corals themselves, are these two corals capable of releasing toxins that can harm Picasso, or even humans? Thanks you:) Sent from Singapore Reef Club mobile app
  16. Nice man The costs are a big jump from FW sia haha
  17. I see, thx a lot guys Also, I always see people talk about it like they only sell fish, do they sell corals also? Since it is called coral farm haha
  18. Hi I just started a tank some weeks ago with only one fish, and I heard Coral Farm has a huge selection. However I saw a bunch of Facebook reviews saying that the employees tell them that the place is not for viewing, but I've heard others go there frequently to just look around and buy a fish or two. Can anyone tell me if it's fine to go? Cos I live all the way in Yishun and cab ride there is quite costly so Idw go all the way just to waste money haha Thx a lot Sent from Singapore Reef Club mobile app
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