1) Reserved 2) DD Rail (2ft) for hydra26 with Hanging Kit $80 3) Hydra52 (black) & Ai Director $450 4) Sold 5) Maxspect r420r 120/130w with wide angle lens upgrade $250 6) Sold 7) Beamswork Clip hang-on for Nano Aquarium (slight rust on arm) $15
Forgotten to include for 4) that it is gen 1 or gen 2, not quite sure. had it for some time.
Hence the low price of $200 only. If no taker, gonna use it for refugium light
Selling the used led below ~
1) Hydra26HD (black) $400
2) DD Rail (2ft) for hydra26 $80
3) Hydra52 (black) & Ai Director $500
4) Ecotech Radion XR30w $200
5) Maxspect r420r 120/130w with wide angle lens upgrade $250
6) CherryAqua iNANO $50
7) Beamswork Clip hang-on for Nano Aquarium (slight rust on arm) $20
*No more warranty for these light
*All in good working condition