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  1. My boxer shrimp ate one. Came home one day and saw it holding one in its pincers. Then it started to eat the bristle worm. On another occassion, I used a plastic (takeaway) container and try to catch it. It tried wriggling out of the container, kinda succeeded cos half of its body was out of the container. I was stuck cos can't scoop it out and dun wanna let it back in. Think it was hurt so I let it drop back in and promptly took a pair of chopsticks and took the worm out.
  2. Thanks! Hmm... but the thread seem to have mixed views on whether to have it in or out. I caught mine with a pair of chopsticks (a clean and new pair). I tried turning off my tank lights for a day... it's only 2weeks old... and saw this wormie.
  3. Yes, it looks something like that. Mine slightly darker... but prolly cos of the flashlight (?). Is it harmful? And what is it?
  4. Hi, I found a worm, about 2" long on my sandbed when I came home. It looked like an earthworm but got many legs on it's body (so like centipede/millipede oso). Sorry, unable to provide a pic of it cos my digicam spoil liow. Anyway, I have taken it out of the tank... now it's in a container. Anyone know what it is?
  5. Not that I wanted to "torture" the poor fish... lfs say to put 1 hardy fish in... and the rest is history. Anyway, fishie is still doing well... feeding normally and seems happy.
  6. My digicam's down... else would have posted a pic. The guys/gals here have been very helpful with suggestions, descriptions and solutions... hehe, at least I know the white-mould-thingees are not "abnormal". By the way LS is ...? Live stock?
  7. Hmm... there is a knob to adjust the water flow (or izzit pressure?) to the skimmer... can try turning it slowly to increase the water flow. When turning it, can see the water and bubbling rising up/down in your skimmer.
  8. Ooh... can brush the LR in the tank. But so scared it'll "stress" the bi-colour fish in the tank. I do find the sight of the "patches" a bit gross... cos it's slimy and stinks So this is normal in the cycling process? I thot it smelt like terrapin water. But after taking out those "new" LR... no more smell liow.
  9. I find that the white patches kind of sticks to the LR... so washing (I assume rinsing only), wouldn't really get them off. Any suggestions on how to clean it? My hubby bought a solution that declorinates and stuff when we first started our tank... will go back and read if it's the same as the multi conditioner you mentioned. Anyway, I suspect the "rot" problem to come from the new LRs we bought... cos after adding the LRs, the problem started. Oso realised that our original LRs didn't have the white patches. But LRs from lfs will have such problems one? Cos before that the water was fine... our old LRs are still fine (last checked this morn). We took out the new LRs last night... so hoping it won't "contaminate" our old LRs.
  10. We have already cycled the tank for a week with some live rocks and 1 hardy fish (as advised by the LFS ). Then we went to get more live rocks to add to the tank and noticed the white patches forming... felt a bit slimy too. Auberon, How did you wash the LRs? And what does the multi water conditioner do? Can we get them from any lfs and how much did you pay for yours? Any idea what caused the rot? (Oops, so many questions ) Blueheaven, Thanks for the pic... the white patches didn't look like that though.
  11. Hi, I seem to have the same problem... wondering what the white mould like thingees on the live rocks are... Anyone?
  12. Hi, I am new to the marine aquaria hobby. I have been cycling my tank for a week, have put in some live rocks and 1 fish for the process. Just wondering, is it ok to start putting in more live rocks now? Any advice is appreciated. Thanks.
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