Hi Guys,
Been keeping some corals and fishes for a few months already, so i have decided recently to setup a new tank. Intend to plan everything first before starting, so i need all the help, advice and comments from all the reefers here. so feel free to post here. I intend to take everything slowly so that i will be able to have a stable system to start off with. Below is the equipment i intend to get once i get everything planned out.
Customised Tank 3ft x 2ft x 1.5ft with cabinet
overflow compartment with durso to reduce noise
(12mm with eurobracing)(any recommend tank makers)
2.5ft x 1ft x 1ft (6-8mm)
sump with refugium (design please recommend, Important!)
T5 x 6 tubes (wattage and brand pls comment...paging dr evil...)
H&S 150-F2001 or AquaC EV-180 (comments on both of them)
may consider a mini beckett skimmer
4 inch grade "0" sand in main tank
5-6 inch grade "0" sand in refuge
Return Pump:
Still haven decide pls recommend
Internal Power Head:
Seio (620 or 820) x 3 (others pls recommend)
(wave maker in near future)
Rowa FR
TUBBY and Le Kalk
Intend to run the whole system with live rock in freshwater for 1 week to get rid of all the parasite like mantis shrimp, bristle worms etcs..... cycling period would be abt 3 months (min)....
I am still considered a newbie in marine reefing, so i need all the help from more experienced ppl ard here especially on the sump design. I Like to thanks all that is going to contribute in advance. Thanks.....