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Everything posted by Indeco

  1. Don't think u can stop them once they start nipping. I tried feeding them alot but also not use. Flame angel is much better angel compare to others, my only nip at corals that look like small flower.
  2. Get a seachem ammonia badge, it give u a quick indicator for ammonia. This is very useful for QT tank as we always restart the cycle.
  3. Selling my 6 inches fat and healthy blue tang, with me about 2+ yrs. Collection at Jurong. Interested PM me.
  4. If you selling do PM me. Preferably collection at west side.
  5. If u are planning to keep LPS than get a chiller is a must. Small tank is already very easy to have parameters swing so don't need to add salinity and temp on top of it. If u do check out the LPS pricing now, hammer, torch, lobo, brain coral easily hit over $100+ so losing a few of them are enough for u to pay a chiller. Try with a 2nd hand chiller and see how thing work out.
  6. Polyp Lab Reef Roids 60g - $20 (80% Left) Interested do PM me. Collection at Jurong.
  7. Redsea Trace Color sold. Up for reef roid.
  8. Selling the below 2 items 1) Redsea Trace Colors ABCD 100ml pack - $15 (90% Left) 2) Polyp Lab Reef Roids 60g - $22 (80% Left) Interested do PM me. Collection at Jurong.
  9. For new reefer, don't rush in to setup everything at the beginning after watching youtube. E.g reactor, dosing pump, refugium etc. Alot of things may not even be required during reefing journey. Start simple with the basic equipments and add along the way when needed. E.g. If your tank is small or low bioload, regular water change can already top up elements, nutrient export. This can save the money for dosing pump, reactor etc. Setup up more equipments also mean more room for failure and you will need to standby redundancy. Especially when u go holiday. Understand your problem then find the suitable solution to it. Lastly, DIY will help u save alot too just need to read up more. Just my 2 cents.
  10. Hi bro, thx very much for the offer but I have already.
  11. Looking for the below, if got big colony will be better. - Stylopora - Digitata - Radioactive Birdnest PM me if you selling, preferably collection at west.
  12. If u keep fish only can be done but if u keep coral u need water change to replenish the elements.
  13. This can be quite stress to the fish as no place to hide. If can get a PVC pipe for him to hide. Gd luck!
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