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Everything posted by Indeco

  1. Too much bacteria will cause cloudy water and deplete oxygen faster. Too much carbon source may cause cyano.
  2. Coral beauty and Flame is 50% 50%. Emperor angel should be 99% clear ur softies and LPS since coral is part of their diet. Btw 70 gallon is small for emperor also.
  3. Adult brine shrimp close to 0 nutrition. Only just hatch got nutrition but no enough to feed the fish. As snack is ok. Mysis shrimp is better.
  4. Ah beng is for Pro only. Haha. I strike 2 times 4D there now don't dare to go liao. Lucky got quarantine. For SAS, your immunity is referring to underfed or more prone for dieaseas?
  5. Below are some of the places to buy fish and coral. Do go study and understand how to choose a healthy fish before buying. Iwarna Ah Beng Fresh & Marine Sea life aquarium Pinnacle Specialise aquatic solution Aquamarin Coral farm
  6. GFO will help to remove silicate in the water.
  7. For sticking rock I use BSI, find it better and faster. Just need to make sure u dry ur coral area before apply it. For frag plug, I use pure aquatic. Use a bit can liao. For rock, I feel it take too long to stick.
  8. You using the fish to cycle ur tank? How big is your tank? If u can find him a new home will be good. U may want to plan on ur fish list before ur purchase so u can know ur buying order and minimise the aggression to the least.
  9. Damsel fish can be consider as one of the most aggressive group. If ur tank is small or they are first few fish to go in the tank and estabilised their territory then u will have problem adding new fish later. Best is don't keep damsel and if really want then keep 1 only. Btw clownfish also belong damsel family so they may fight each other.
  10. Oh ok, do update bro. I'm thinking of switching also.
  11. Need to be in high flow, so ur placement is ok. How long u out in? Normally will change the GFO every 3 to 5 days.
  12. Your GFO put at high flow area? I don't think marco algae need the balance but without NO3 maybe they grow rate will be slower. I only know carbon dosing need the Redfield ratio. I will suggest to do a 20% to 30% WC and see.
  13. [emoji106][emoji106][emoji106] Haha, just sharing what I know. Should be gd enough to cure liao, do check out seachem kanaplex also very useful. Can be use with focus also. If you got wrasse, keep a look out. They sensitive to medicine. Hope your fishes recover soon. [emoji16]
  14. Yap, metronidazole is quite expensive medication. We human use that to treat like bacteria infection. Yap ration is 1:1 for medicine. Pellet quantity I use 1 teaspoon. If pellet cannot finish u can keep for tomorrow in the fridge but make sure u air tight the pellet to prevent containmination. You can add tank water or vitamins to dissolve the medicine before adding the pellet. Let the pellet fully absorb the medicine before u feed. Feed 1 time per day can liao. Feed slow, you fish may not eat the pellet as the taste not nice.
  15. Wah 1st time heard clownfish killed a tang. [emoji23]
  16. Yap, so any medicine that leak out to the water will be absorb. By right focus will bind the medicine to food but just to be safe than sorry. Haha nope, need to stand one. U can go buy from any LFS, most of them will sell. Is always gd to have some medicines on hand.
  17. For my case no, my cleaner shrimp even eat the pellet. Haha. Just remember to run carbon during the period when u treat them.
  18. If u dose Prazi in ur DT, u will kill all the worms including feather dusters. This may cause ammonia spike. If not handle properly thing will not be gd. Maybe u can try using seachem metroplex + focus. Mix with pellet then feed the fish. Then u run carbon to absorb any medicine that in the water. I use this method a few times, coral and invert all ok.
  19. I use drip acclimation for fish and invert. I will float the bag for 45 min then normally only drip for 30 min. For me I focus on the drip rate, for fish water must increase at least 70%, invert is 100%. Temp different wise, I think is ok unless got different by > 1 degree If u don't do acclimation then u fish will shock if ur PH and SG is different from the LFS.
  20. Oh ok, I read on other forum they said ok also. Thx.
  21. Yap, but will it stain the silicon?
  22. I'm planning to use bleach to clean my fish tank due to velvet but I scare the silicon will be stained. Any bros got try before, able to share some input. Thx thx.
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