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Everything posted by marinecraz

  1. www.tigerairways.com good luck
  2. thanks for the suggestion. regarding the SRC outing, sorry tentatively can't make it on that date.
  3. thanks for the feed back. will not get the lion fish. which trigger do you have?
  4. oh... i didn't know that. thanks. if i set up another tank. mainly corals. can I have the lion fish and eel there?
  5. hi, need your advice My 3 feet tank is about 3 months old now. the ls i have are: 4 clowns 1 BT 1 YT 1 picasso trigger 2 snails 2 sebae 3 bulb anemones 1 starfish sound very crowded hor. the fish are all ich free now and all feeding like pigs, including the anemones. Trigger is a good friend to the rest, no fighting except for the bigger clowns that always bully the smaller ones. that is why i have so many anemones, for the small ones to take refuge. the size of the fish range from 1 and a half to 3 inches. Most have been with me for one to two months. the last ones added were a sebae and a bulb anemone adopted two weeks back. but they are growing real fast too especially the BT. I am contemplating over one last fish to add two months later and that is a lion fish. but a bit worry. should I?
  6. hi has anyone taken the baby? can sms or call me at 97415014? thanks.
  7. hi I think it is easier to get pple to commit when there is a proposed date. By giving a few dates, pple can look through their schedule before they make a reply right especially when most of the reefers are working adults.
  8. my parents bought an old house very cheap few years back.. guess what... whole family kena... either sick or encountered toys moving on its own regardless whether day or night. now shifted, all the best to the new owners.
  9. scary leh... my hair standing eeeeeee....
  10. tank is beautiful. is this a website that focus on reef design? it will be wonderful if it is in English.
  11. got to work till 10 pm will be there around 11 plus (PM). if you guys still around, can tong pang about 3 of you home. but must let me know how to identify you guys
  12. hi went last night and spoken to Janet. she said ls arriving on Friday instead. better to give her a call on thursday to confirm. tel : 64840506, 64844249.
  13. l like Baboon's version 5 and AT's brainy version. Do let me know when it is ready. Can't wait to have it on my car, will be proud of it.
  14. have one anemone died and two others always 'chow tar'. but they are ok and open nicely after i maintain pH at 8.2 - 8.3 by adding reef buffer. check your pH. it might help. my 2 cents worth
  15. hi shoelevy, how are your fish? white spots clearing? the black out failed (i might have done it wrongly). I resort to medicine plus garlic guard now.
  16. hello amteo, i have the same problem too. I have tried a 48 hours black out but it did not work for my tank and i lost one butterfly I might have done it wrongly. I stopped the black out. my baby BT still badly infected. Now feeding my fish with bs soaked in garlic guard. (thanks to those who enlightened me on the part of garlic). luckily it feeds like pig. I have done water changed also, about 5 days once for the past 3 weeks. I have an UV from day one. my tank is already 2 going to 3 months old. with all these, the white spots are still stubbornly stuck on BT and getting more yesterday I bought BioPlast OdiCont as recommended by the lfs. BT white spots has subsided a bit. i have anemones, a starfish and soft coral in my tank too. this medicine is ok for them. but i will observe for a few more days and let you know the result. keeping my finger crossed.
  17. you guys made me feel really welcome. thanks a lot for the tips. I have added my LF slowly, guessed I have become careless when I see my clowns doing well in the tank and they have actually grown considerably. I will add the next LF probably a month later. I feel really lousy watching the PBT suffer and die eventually. This is the first death. After reading your comments, I feel encourage again. Thanks. Will keep you guys posted after the 48 hours black out.
  18. Thanks alot brothers. Will do another water change, do a 48 hours black out plus the food with garlic guard. These are the measures I gathered from the forum discussion. Hope this will minimise the problem. I have a UV installed too, but won't comment on the effectiveness as my tank is too new to make any comparison.
  19. hi, I have just set up my tank for about two months and have a hard time battling white spot. I have lost my PBT today. While browsing through the forum to find a solution, I noticed some of you mention soaking the food with garlic. Can someone please explain how is this done? I hate to see another of my fish die. Thanks.
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