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Everything posted by shiraz

  1. what the.... u sure it really happens?
  2. your girlfriend is a he??? ohh no... she right... joking dude... anyway, colour better than the last one and this one.. the errmm what do u call that... the bar that has the title or heading of stuff... very outstanding...
  3. this is very sacarstic... he is genuinly trying to find out what the creature is in his tank and u come along with this...
  4. nudibranch? can some1 confirm? hmm if so, remove it... rather hard to keep and when it dies.......
  5. mistery dimension? nah.. unless you wanna continue losing fish.. agree it's nicer to see stuff other than fish in your tank.. gives appeal to little kids... maybe u wanna try getting a hermit? or the emerald crab? all these are considered reefsafe... i guess so to a certain extent... but try to remove the crabs that come with your LR because most of the time, they aren't good ones..
  6. what crab is that? did u buy it or did it come with the LR? if it came with the LR then i guess your tube worm would be gone soon... get the crab outta the tank...
  7. woooow... im paying arnd $79! my parents actually..
  8. u don't need to worry abt dosing iodine if u do regular water changes...
  9. i'd say 2011... a 2011 is working well for mt 3 footer!!! but im over-working it with a 2650lph pump...
  10. hahaah!! hmmm your dog's name is harry isn't it???
  11. as long as your lps and fish are healtly and u don't have any unknown reasons for death, u can keep the black cuke AKA donkey dung BUT make sure u don't have powerheads or your powerheads are not easily accesible if not.... don't know why but cukes like to explore rotating blades....
  12. conclusion is to do both dude... u take away the diluted nitrate(terry) replace unknown lost trace elements(AT), u don't know how much trace elemets to add so just do a change(woonming)... see u satisfy so many conditions... just do both lor..
  13. usually, it can't move but see the word 'ROCKET' at the undercarriage? hint hint...
  14. suprising u could actually see anything from that pic.... hmmm can u take another shot?
  15. how big is your tank? hmmm 3 ft? im using 2011 for my 3 footer.. but im ovedriving it with a pump that is stronger then what is used to power a 2014... nice skimmate.. hmmm but i'll say if you're having a 3ft tank, get a 2012/3, 4ft -> 2014 anything bigger than 4 ft --> aquaC!! unless u want to use 2 2014s lah..
  16. yea i have 1 too... i'll give it to any1 who can catch it from the inner reaches of my tank! i've tried to catch it for the past 6 months by the way
  17. ohh oh... can i tick tock on AT's behalf? ok anyway.. yea the sea apple is deadly!
  18. its rather hard to keep this coral... advise is not to even try... i know of 1 person only... errrr is it Dispar? i forgot or was it Fuel? who still has a nice specimen...
  19. seems like im using the same one!
  20. hmm turbo snails are fast... but they don't eat alot of algae... i think the trochus(spelling) snails would be better.... hope u know the difference... the turbo has a slanted conical shell while the trochus has a straight shell...
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