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Everything posted by shiraz

  1. yea... very.. unvelievable.. and the norwich defence is damn slow! anyway.... the verdict is supposed to be today right.. if we'll get more EPL...
  2. by the way... arsenal leading 3-0 half time... but i can't help it!
  3. u know if i were u, i would not DARE touch the rock with the mantis in it... even with chopsticks over the hole!
  4. wah so many places ah.. hmm actually im looking at halal ones... hmmm any vendors in the west?
  5. hey... looking for any1 who has contacts with any1 who supplies satay?.. chicken or beef... anything will do.. preferred to be half cooked but if not then it's fine.. need it for a function... thanks!
  6. yoohoooo.. tank still available... $350... very good condition... viewing at jurong west st81...
  7. mh reserved... now to get everything sold, i've got to get a buyer for the tank sorry for all those who are waiting...
  8. upzzzz... tank and MH still available
  9. hmmm not to burst your forming bubble abt SP2 but my problems all started when i installed that!
  10. ya that abandoned bungalow... hmm how to explain where... something like exit from SLE at punggol (sengkang) then u turn right then right again... in the middle of the open field... fenced up.. but there is a hole u can go thru from at the back facing the hdb blocks... it's known that the house could not be demolished. everytime something would happen like the crane spoil or bad weather or the contractor sick or what ever nots...
  11. ayiah HP is like that... u pay for the quality... though i think epson gets close to the print quality of a HP...
  12. thanks ppl... got my pc formatted... hmmm actually it's DEL lar... all the F keys don't work thanks jesper and vinoth mainly for the help
  13. no... there is a datamini splash screen that shows all the way until windows starts... ok thanks.. wld try del...
  14. hmmm hitting f12 does not bring me to the bios screen... any1 can confirm which button it is? thanks...
  15. ok thanks dudes!! will try it out now... really fed up with the amount of illegal operations im getting!!
  16. hmmm so during the boot up i have to hit F12 until it goes into BIOS then change the priority then repeat the whole process of restarting with the cd in the drive?
  17. nothing of that sort opens... the only box that opens is the usual one asking what i wanna do with the cd... like for example... open with a certain prog.. or copy using nero... or view pics with acd see... or open using IE... u know that box... when i restart with the cd in my drive, it just ignores the cd and boots up normally...
  18. tried restarting but nothing... has it got something to do with the 1st boot drive thingy?
  19. hmmm i've got a rather small doubt here... i've got a datamini and it's been giving me endless problems recently so i'm gonna reformat it, using the backup winxp home edition cd.. now as far as i understand, u put in the disc, and it's autoplay... it asks u what u wanna do and then performs the operation.. right? or am i wrong?? but on this occasion, nothing happens, do i need to go into dos mode and q/format the c: drive then d: - setup to install the operating system? thanks!
  20. Posted on: Jan 12 2003, 05:45 PM hi, i would like to know more about under gravel filters. some shops say that u have to use fine sand like C3 or C5 but other shops say that u have to use bigger pieces of sand. i also understand that the sand bed must be at least 4 inches thick.. am i right? is it a good method of bio-filtration for my 2'' tank? thanks... ____________________________________________________________________ lol.. i don't believe i asked this..
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