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Everything posted by maxz

  1. Hi all, Letting go this forest fire digi frag with multiple branches at 25 bucks Collection at tiong bahru area Interested parties please pm me for details. Thanks
  2. Hi all, I am letting go this a 4 x 24W (2 ft) T5 retrofit set. Condition is 7.5/10. Not for fussy buyer. Comes with used T5 tubes. No reflectors. Selling for $90. Interested pls pm me contact number. Collection at Tiong Bahru Area. Thanks.
  3. Another piece of montipora setosa at 50bucks.
  4. Mini hammer sold. Another yellow digi with multiple branches at 38 bucks..
  5. Another mini hammer to let go at 12 bucks.
  6. Hi all, Letting go the following coral:- A) Pink birdnest with multiple branches at 28 bucks. B.) Fiji pipe organ at 20 bucks C) Blue mushroom.(With baby)at 25 bucks D ) Luminous Green tip hammer 2 heads at 48 bucks E) kryptonite candy cane at 30 bucks F) Mystic monti at 25 bucks G) Big green hairy mushroom at 18 bucks H) Yellow spondage digi at 20 bucks Collection at tiong bahru area. Interested parties please pm me for details. Thanks
  7. Another frag of candy cane. Some called it as kyrptonite candy cane. Letting go at 30 bucks.
  8. Hi all, Letting go this bright orangey setosa at 58. Photo taken under T5 white light. Collection at tiong bahru area. Interested parties please pm me for details.
  9. Hi all, Letting go this luminous green candy cane at 28 bucks.. Collection at tiong bahru area. Interested parties please pm me for details. Thks
  10. Another pink frag. Letting at 15 bucks.
  11. Hi all, Letting go this Pink birdnest with multiple branches at 28 bucks. Interested parties please pm me for details. Collection at tiong bahru area. Thks
  12. Branching Hammer with 8-10 big heads. Letting go at 100 bucks.
  13. Got a nano frag of Branching hammer size around 5cm( fully opened). suitable for nano tank. Letting go at 15 bucKs.
  14. Another frag mini blue tort at 25 bucks
  15. Yellow lighting bolt Stylo at 60.
  16. Forest fire Digitata fully coloured.at 20 bucks.
  17. Another big frag of luminous green monti at 25 bucks. Fan shape but skirting a bit uneven.
  18. Another luminous green tip hammer. Photo take under T5 white light .
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