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Everything posted by maxz

  1. Hi all, Letting go this jade green digi at 20 bucks. Collection at Tiong Bahru area. Interested parties, please pm me. Thanks
  2. Hi all, Letting go this true fibre optic frag at 20bucks. Collection at Tiong Bahru area. interested parties, please pm me. Thank
  3. Letting go this blue stag at 25 bucks Collection at tiong Bahru area. If Keen, pm for details. s
  4. Another piece of beach bum at 40 bucks. Interested parties, please pm for details. Thanks
  5. Letting go this beach bum Monti at 45 bucks. Collection at tiong Bahru. Interested parties pls pm me for details. Thanks
  6. Hi all, Letting go the following corals. a) Pikachu mini frag at 50 bucks b) Cookie monster at 35 bucks c) Green slimer at 18 bucks. d)Red stag at 20 bucks E) watermelon milli at 40 bucks Collection at tiong Bahru area. Interested parties, pls pm me for details.
  7. Hi all, Letting go this red stag at 25 bucks. Collection at Tiong Bahru area. Interested parties, please pm for details. Thanks
  8. Hi all Letting go this big size copperband which finished all my aiptasia at 35 bucks. Size is around 4.5inch. collection at Tiong Bahru area. Interested parties pls pm me. Thanks
  9. Hi all, Letting go this green slimer encrusted on frag plug at 38 bucks. Collection at tiong Bahru area.Interested parties, pls pm me for details. Thanks
  10. Hi all, Letting go this overgrown Bali green slimer. Size is 3 inch plus with multiple branches at 68 bucks. Collection at Tiong Bahru area. Interested parties, please pm for details. Thanks
  11. Pikachu frag at 40 bucks
  12. Forest fire digitata mini colony at 28 bucks
  13. Another stable frag of pikachu at 60 bucks
  14. Another frag of rosy red milli at 35 bucks
  15. Branching cyprehestra with multiple branches at 58 bucks
  16. Hi all, I am looking for radion xr30w pro Gen4. Pm me if you have one set to let go. Thanks
  17. Pikachu frag as circled at 60
  18. Acropora latistella frag as circled at 68 bucks.
  19. Letting go this Bali slimer around 3" at 25 bucks
  20. Fragging the green slimer at 25 bucks
  21. Fragging lime in the sky the circle area at 38 bucks
  22. Hi all, Letting go the following coral frag : a) beach bum at 65 bucks b) rosy red milepora at 38 bucks Collection at tiong Bahru area. Interested parties, please pm for detail. Thanks
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