First I put the whole plastic in the tank float for 1 hr then I put some tank water in the plastic n wait for 10 mins then I use net to remove it Sent from my CPH1611 using Tapatalk
Good to do all test before u put any fish or corals. Confirm all stable. Don't be like me never do any test. After one month I try to put fish but cannot cope! Sent from my CPH1611 using Tapatalk
This the old tank when I first started n it let all the coral fish n anemone die the last time. Now also die all the fish n shrimp Sent from my CPH1611 using Tapatalk
Today I just bought a shrimp n a small damsel. But the damsel see know where seen looks like its hiding in the rock or sand. That's what I read the forum about the damsel. Sent from my CPH1611 using Tapatalk
Thanks everyone..... Just enquiry what type of test kit I need to buy? Which ones is cheap n easy to test? I never test the water before. N never buy the test kit before. Sent from my CPH1611 using Tapatalk