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Everything posted by iceman

  1. Selling the above used for 3mth. $180
  2. Sometime less is better. Try it. That what reefing is all about.
  3. been think for quite sometime.
  4. Help to clear the dirt at the bottom, so all will collect at a corner. Easier for me to siphon out.
  5. Thanks, Like the effect too.
  6. For nano tank I will check my salinity every time I do water change. No room for mistake especially for nano tank. The parameter will be like roller coaster. If need to any adjustment, do it slowly. Evaporation don't cause the salinity to drop if u have an ATO. But skimmer will, Cause skimmer will skim out salt water if u set it to wet skim. This will cause part of the evaporation too. For bigger tank usually don't make lot of difference because of the water vol.
  7. I find that the tank is too cluttered. Remove one of the rock. So this happen. FTS 12/07/16
  8. Have transfer all the coral for 3 days, here some pic.
  9. Finish the transfer. FTS 08/07/16
  10. Sold it. Going SPS and Zoas only
  11. .Here the setting I'm using now.
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