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Everything posted by dust_to_debris

  1. no point.. needle wheel pumps are modified electronically by the manufacturers.. the return head is different..heard bout someone imported a number of aquabees and tried to do the same thing but failed..
  2. must see if your overflow pipe is wide enough to allow 6000l of water to pass through first.... just connect a one-way valve to the pump BEFORE fixing the returning branched out pipes.. actually 3 outputs works better as each will have approximately 1900+ liters depending on how high is the main tank from the sump.. my tank has 4 returns 2x3000l/h and 2x2500l/h.. got 4 one way valves and returns are built directly into the main tank. its just a 3ft tank so i get around 27 turnovers per hour.. no extra power heads needed!! returns are placed stragetically to elimiate dead spots and the best part is all are hidden in live rocks! one more thing.. remember to fix a ball valve too so that the pump can be taken out for servicing.. cheers!
  3. hi all. i'm gonna to sell the 2 items seperately $380 for the kent te skimmer $160 for the aqua bee 3000l pump have to clear fast... NS calling..
  4. hi all my hp is back in service... interested parties please PM me or sms me at 97464972.. can neg on price.. willing to let go if able to get full cash payment on the spot.
  5. sorry folks.. my e-mail is vern_nevaeh@yahoo.com.sg pai seh pai seh.. or can sms me at 98275523
  6. the aqua bee base has suction cups to hold it onto the sump glass panel.. placing of pump can be very versatile so max area is around 8 1/4 inch x 12 inch..
  7. sorry folks my hp is under servicing.. interested parties pls contact me via e-mail vern_nevaeh@yahoo.com
  8. Widest Nautilus TE width 8¼” or 21 cm but the tubing connecting the pump to the skimmer is around 1/2 ft long is adjustable.. depends on where you place the pump. around 21cm x 3/4 ft..
  9. Nautilus TE Specifications and Schematics Overall Nautilus TE height 23” or 58cm Widest Nautilus TE width 8¼” or 21 cm Total Clearance Height (to remove collection cup) 24” or 61 cm Maximum recommended aquarium capacity 300 gallons or 1,136 liters
  10. hi all.. my hp is temp out of service... interested parties can contact me via e-mail.. vern_nevaeh@yahoo.com .thanks
  11. industrial housing 2ft x 1 ft HUGE reflector!! black. brand new!! cos my false celing can't hold the weight! going for $200 neg.. (please see my Kent Marine TE skimmer too) selling cos going for NS soon.. urgent! contact me at 97464972
  12. Sorry.. selling it as a set.. the turbo eductor is attached to the aqua bee pump. the main reaction chamber for air and water.
  13. Hi all, i have a kent marine te skimmer for sale the only set in singapore!! able to effectively skims up to 300 us gallons!! going at 550 neg!! used only for 2 months.. comes with aqua bee 3000l/Hr pump. bought from sam(sealife). Going for my NS soon so have to clear off urgently. interested parties can contact me at 97464972. regards.
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