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Everything posted by jaydisney

  1. Hi, i am letting go snowflake eel to trade with other fish, coral or live rocks Location clementi
  2. Hi, i am letting go my picasso triggerfish around 8-9cm to trade with some other fish, corals or live rock Location clementi
  3. Hi, Any one want to trade Eheim pump with some fish or corals? Location clementi
  4. Hi, selling away hs28a chiller with external temperature probe Location clementi
  5. Thanks src. I bought. Thread closed
  6. Hi, anyone selling or letting go any chiller?
  7. Anyone letting go any 24k gold torch? Thanks
  8. Want to trade mocha storm clownfish. Size around 7cm healthy eat mysis pellet. 5_6084390210706081067.MOV
  9. Hi, anyone letting go nyos skimmer? Thanks
  10. Trading the mocha storm and normal clownfish pair in the photo I am open to trade with other fish or coral
  11. I want to trade my mocha storm clownfish pair with normal clownfish RFS for trade: change plan Location clementi 20220618_120140.mp4
  12. 1x Clownfish pair 1x Skunk pink clownfish Anyone want to trade? Location clementi Thanks
  13. Hi, anyone has some extra live rock to give away? Location clementi Thanks
  14. Hi anyone selling or giving away some frag? I am at clementi Thanks
  15. Hi, anyone has some spare to give away or selling? I think my one broken keep flashing red and cannot do reset after some power trip. Thanks
  16. Anyone have extra sps or selling some beginners sps? I want to start SPS in my tank. I need aome frag to test out whether it is ready for SPS Location. Clementi Thanks for reading
  17. Size aroubd 8cm. Willing to trade with some other fishes or rbta
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