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Everything posted by Magikarp

  1. hydra52hd selling $550 it is lightly used no stand slightly negotiable pm.
  2. Do Pm me. Thanks! Sent from Singapore Reef Club mobile app
  3. i bought my pods from pinnacles, those in the bag and a friend told me it was from a farm in lim chu kang. it is only $5 a pack and my tank can see full of pods everywhere.
  4. I totally understand why you will pay for that. It is some i would like to. i'll explore it alittle.
  5. want to sell 1 marine pure 8x8x4, wash cleaned. $45
  6. I want to buy AI prime hd any color.
  7. I try to put the non-slip matt from daiso below the pump, very quiet no sound.
  8. your tank very big can put many
  9. I put 2 Big 1 and some balls and siphorax. working very good
  10. I use a trap to catch before. Worked Many time
  11. I see befour my Red skunk prawn eat the bristleworm befor
  12. My tank is IM20 i gess, 20gallon US. The chiller i have is Hailea 1.10
  13. Mine Chiller on 0.5hour and off 0.5hour. normal?
  14. Wad is the last coral in your photo
  15. Brown Jelly smelly, you can smell it to be sure.
  16. This Might Be Usefol https://forums.saltwaterfish.com/index.php?threads/anemone-eggs.160156/
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