Hello, I'm new to this forum and roughly new to the reefing hobby, about 6 months of experience. Would like to seek advice on stocking density and an ich problem. Currently, I have six fishes in a quarantine tank for 3 weeks already.
- A pair of ocellaris clownfish
- Yellow Watchmen Goby
- Longnose Hawkfish
- PJ Cardinalfish
- Banggai Cardinalfish
I am emptying the tank of fishes for 6 weeks to solve my ich problem, wonder if this method is proven to work? So the fishes will spend another 3 weeks more in quarantine. As for my tank system, I am using the Innovative Marine Nano Fusion 20.
- Chemipure blue nano 2 packets
- Filter sock
- Bio balls
- Innovative Marine 3 stage sponge filtration
- Refugium (Chaeto)
- Innovative Marine Ghost Skimmer
There are the current invertebrates housed in the display tank as well as a variety of soft corals and LPS:
Fire Shrimp x1
Blue leg hermit crab x3
Nassarius Snail x3
Abalone x1
Red sea star x1
Sand shifting star x1
I just like to ask if the fish stocking density is too much and whether I am able to solve the ich problem by emptying my tank of fishes for 6 weeks.
Thank you!