Pm me at 96585124 to deal~~
1. Radion XR15 Gen 3 with RMS Mount x3 pieces. $300 each (Used for 2 years)
2. Vortech MP10 x2 pieces. $200 each (Used for 3 years)
3. Reeflink $30
4. Hailea HS-66A. $150 (Used for 3 years)
5. Aquaforest AF-110 media reactor $50
6. Reef Octopus Classic INT-150 Protein Skimmer $100 (Used for 3 years)
7. Rossmont Return Pump $30
8. Oase Optimax 2000 $60 (Used for 3-4months, 3 years warranty with East Ocean)
9. AF Reef Salt Bucket (10% used) $50
10. Hanna Ultra Low range Phosphorus checker with 25-40 reagents $50
11. Salifert Ca, KH, Mg test one set $15 Expiry 2022-2024. Used 10-15 times
12. Oase Cleartronic 11W $80 (No UV bulb) Used 2 years
13. Coralbox dosing pump with dosing container. $150 Used 2 years
14. Oase Optimax 800 $20 Used 2-3 years
15. Oase Optimax 300 $10 Used 2-3 years